Rough Editing - Completed!
We have recently finished the rough editing of the interviews. During the rough editing process, we isolate the most interesting stories from each interview and cut out the rest of the material, leaving short silences in between each story. Later, we put these stories together and form the radio documentary. We each ended up with somewhere around 20 to 30 stories from our assigned interviews.
There were some issues along the way, but for the most part, I think that the process went rather smoothly. We are still transitioning to using Adobe Audition for editing instead of the program on the computers over at WILL station. To help new editors, like me, with the learning curve, some of the experienced editors trained us and created a step-by-step guide on using the program. There were also video tutorials on a website called Lynda to aid us in the editing process. Using the Adobe program was pretty simple and straightforward once we got the hang of it. It was my first time doing editing work and luckily, I didn’t run into any technical difficulties. However, initially, there were issues with saving edited work on some of the interviews. Fortunately, they were soon resolved and the rough editing process was successfully completed.