The last few weeks have been great for the Youth Media program at both Jefferson and Edison. Daily I see the students learning more and more and I enjoy watching how their interest in their particular topics continues to develop. On Tuesday I went to Edison where the students worked on Blogs and Editing techniques. The students rapidly learned how to upload video, edit, add special effects and even how to add music to their presentations. The students were really engaged in the process and I believe they really learned a lot from the workshop for the day. Some of the students at Edison have begun their interviews so they're off to a quick start. At Jefferson we have focused the last few weeks on truly developing the girls topics. We have done a series of lesson plans that focus on how to tell a story and camera techniques. Last week we did practice phone interviews with the girls and helped them prepare what they would say to their interviewees when they were ready to call them. At both schools the students have truly grasped the overall mission of the program and I am amazed every week that I see them become more and more engaged in the process.,