Dickson Mounds Museum Reopens

The recently reopened Dickson Mounds Museum, located near Lewistown in west-central Illinois. Mike Hucke / Wikimedia Commons
The agreement that made possible the reopening of the Illinois State Museum in Springfield also allowed the state of Illinois' Dickson Mounds Museum to reopen in the west-central part of the state. Both had been put on a nine-month hiatus, due to the state budget impasse.
The museum serves as a portal to the Dickson Mounds Native American settlement site and burial mound located on a low bluff overlooking the Illinois River, near Lewistown in Fulton County.
With its reopening, the Dickson Mounds Museum promoting a few new things. In the accompanying audio, Rich Egger speaks with state museum director Michael Wiant about the new features, which includes the hashtag #backatDMM.
The Dickson Mounds Museum is open from 9 AM to 4 PM every day, except Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day. Unlike the Illinois State Museum, the Dickson Mounds Museum remains open with no admission fee.