Parkland Trustees Approve New Solar Energy Array

Parkland College in Champaign Travis Stansel / Illinois Public Media
Parkland College is expanding its use of solar power.
At their regular monthly meeting on Jaunary 17, the board of trustees approved a 25-year contract with Sol-Systems LLC to install an eight-acre array of solar panels on the campus.
The array will produce two megawatts of power once installed, up from approximately 60 kilowatts now, and reduce the college’s electrical utility costs by about $25,000 dollars per year.
Documents from the trustees' meeting did not say how much this project will cost Parkland, but did say that Sol-Systems’ proposal provided the lowest electricity cost out of 12 bidders.
Parkland is a signatory to the Presidents’ Climate Commitment, which has a goal of being carbon neutral by the year 2060.

Site plan showing the location of Parkland College's upcoming solar array, which was approved by the Parkland Board of Trustees on Jan. 17