Rauner Announces Council To Find Ways To Cut Red Tape For Business

Gov. Bruce Rauner at the College of Dupage in Glen Ellyn on Monday, where he signed an executive order creating the Illinois Competitiveness Council. WDCB
Governor Bruce Rauner says his latest initiative will help grow the state’s economy and create jobs.The first term Republican visited the College of Dupage in Glen Ellyn on Monday to sign an executive order to create the Illinois Competitiveness Council.
“We’ve got to cut the red tape,” said Rauner. “Cut the red tape, eliminate as many of the regulations as we possibly can.”
He says the organization will review the myriad of state regulations on the books and report back by next summer.
Rauner also announced the creation of a website to hear directly from people adversely affected by rules and regulations.
“What hassle have you experienced in Illinois as you’ve tried to grow a business?” said Rauner. “Let us know. We want to hear from you, so that we can prioritize this and really drive major change and major results for the people of Illinois and grow more good- paying jobs.”
Rauner says state rules stand in the way of entrepreneurs that want to grow their business.
The Governor says over the past 15 years Illinois added 5,000 pages of legislation, and thousands of pages of new rules and regulations.
He says many of the regulations are well intentioned, but they have unintended consequences that do more damage than good.
Rauner says regulations that protect consumers must be preserved, but many rules only protect existing business at the expense of innovation.
He says cutting some of the state’s red-tape will help minority owned businesses and create a level playing field to boost job creation.