Rauner Video Appeals to State Employees

Governor Bruce Rauner introduces members of his "transition team" in Chicago. Amanda Vinicky/WUIS
Public employee unions fought hard to prevent Bruce Rauner from winning the governor's mansion.
The Republican includes labor contracts among the causes for Illinois' financial hardships, and he wants to move state workers out of pensions and into a 401-k-style system.
But in a video to state employees, Rauner appears to be trying to win them over.
Rauner says he wants to make state government a "wonderful place to work" with attractive benefits.
"Like to find ways where you can be compensated, and make bonuses, based upon productivity and effectiveness," says Rauner "so it's a win for you, and a win for the taxpayers as well. I'd also like to explore opportunities where you can keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket as you serve the people of our great state."
Rauner also says he wants to try to reward employees for their ideas on making government more efficient.
In the video, Rauner told workers he wants to meet many of them personally.
He visited the Department of Transportation and Illinois Emergency Management Agency's headquarters in Springfield on Thursday.
Click on the link below to watch Governor Bruce Rauner's video.