Senator Rose Says Budget Pieces In Place, If Madigan Willing To act

State Senator Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) believes an end to the state budget impasse is possible, if House Speaker Michael Madigan is willing to compromise. Jim Meadows/Illinois Public Media
State Senator Chapin Rose of Mahomet believes the pieces are in place for an end to the long state budget impasse — provided powerful House Speaker Michael Madigan is willing to act.
Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner has called a “special session” of the General Assembly for next Wednesday after Republicans introduced a new budget plan in the state Senate.
Their plan includes economic measures the Republican governor wants. But Rose points out that the budget also includes things Democrats want. That includes tax increases.
Rose says the governor and all of the key legislative players have now shown they are willing to compromise — except for the Democratic House speaker.
“There is a good-faith attempt here. Four of the five players have compromised. Where is Speaker Madigan and the House Democrats?” Rose said.
In a statement, Speaker Madigan says it is up to Rauner to show he will bargain in good faith.