SIU President: I’m ‘all in’ for SIU Carbondale

SIU President Randy Dunn, at a news conference May 18, responds to calls for his resignation Jennifer Fuller / WSIU
SIU President Randy Dunn says he's "all in" for the Carbondale campus - and maintains his job is to foster the strength of the university system.
The statement comes after accusations in the last week that Dunn favors the SIU Edwardsville campus, particularly in light of a budget reallocation proposal that would give more state funding to SIUE.
Dunn says he chose to live and keep his office in Carbondale for a reason - and wants to make sure that campus can turn enrollment and other challenges around.
"I have my views as to how it should be done, I have direction that I think is appropriate. But I don't run the campus - that's for the Chancellor. But we've all got to come together, heal our way through this, and quit creating this circular firing squad, because it's not doing anybody or any campus any good."
Last week, Dunn apologized for statements he called "inartful" in private messages regarding the reallocation proposal. That plan was defeated in April's Board of Trustees meeting - but Dunn says the issue will continue to come up until funding inequalities are addressed between both campuses.
Dunn made his comments on WSIU InFocus Tuesday. SIU Trustees meet in Special Session next week.