State Of Trump: Black Lives Matter Says Full Steam Ahead

Evelyn Reynolds on the mic, she's chapter leader of BLMCU. Jeff Putney
President Donald Trump’s administration has been in power for a year now. “State of Trump” is our series discussing what’s changed in Illinois, and what might be ahead.
Black Lives Matter got its start after George Zimmerman was acquitted in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. It marked four years as an organization in 2017.
Evelyn Reynolds, a professor at Parkland College, heads the Black Lives Matter chapter for Champaign-Urbana. She says while she sees many obstacles ahead, she has hope. "I see people still organizing and coming together, waking up - I see this level of consciousness being raised, and I really think that there's gonna be some progress made in 2018."
Listen to her interview for more about how the movement is handling Trump's presidency thus far: