Suit: Bureau of Motor Vehicles Overcharged Indiana Residents by Millions
A newly-filed lawsuit accuses Indiana's Bureau of Motor Vehicles of "systematically'' overcharging state residents by tens of millions of dollars for driver's licenses.
The suit filed Thursday in Marion County alleges the BMV charged drivers under age 75 between $4 and $7 more than state law allows when they obtained or renewed licenses. The complaint filed by Indianapolis attorney Irwin B. Levin seeks class-action status.
Levine tells The Indianapolis Star the BMV "apparently, just made up a number'' that they charge residents for their licenses.
Based on his law firm's calculations, he says Hoosiers may have been overcharged between $30 million and $40 million.
BMV spokesman Dennis Rosebrough says he had not seen the complaint and the agency would not comment until officials review the allegations.