Time to Turn Back Clocks & Check Smoke Alarms
Daylight Savings Time ends this weekend in most of the continental United States.
The official time for turning back clocks by one hours is 2 a.m. on Sunday.
Daylight Savings Time started during World War I, so warring countries could utilize the most avaialble sunlight and save on energy. Clocks are adjusted forward in the spring and moved back in the fall.
The Illinois State Fire Marshal's office is reminding residents to change their smoke detector batteries as they set their clocks back this weekend.
The fire marshal's office says every household should change smoke alarm batteries twice a year and test the devices once a month.
Fire Marshal Larry Matkaitis says a tragedy can happen at any time and it's important to be prepared. There were 123 fire fatalities in Illinois in 2012. A study determined only half the homes damaged by structure fires had smoke alarms present.
The American Red Cross advises that this weekend is also a good time to make sure emergency preparedness supplies are ready for the fall and winter.
Red Cross disaster program manager Jamie Davis says home kits should include, at the minimum:
Three-day supply of non-perishable food items and water (one gallon per person per day)
Battery-powered or crank radio
Can opener
First aid kit
Copies of important documents
Special items such as medications, diapers and infant formula
For families that already have an emergency preparedness kit, the Red Cross adivses to check it for expired food items, and to refresh staples such as water, food and batteries. If there have been changes in prescriptions or dietary needs, add new foods and medications as needed.