An Anniversary Celebration

Bernstein conducting the New York City Symphony (1945) By Fred Palumbo, World Telegram staff photographer - Library of Congress. New York World-Telegram & Sun Collection., Public Domain,
On this week's Prairie Performances, Friday at 7 pm on WILL-FM 90.9: Sinfonia da Camera is celebrating Bernstein’s 100th birthday with his Symphonic Dances from West Side Story. The concert will open with Rossini's Overture to La gazza ladra. Charles Gounod’s 200th birthday is celebrated with his Petite Symphonie to end the first half. Claude Debussy is feted with his Rhapsody for Orchestra and Saxophone with Debra Richtmeyer, exploring the sound and character of the alto saxophone. The festivities will conclude with the sounds of Bernstein's greatest musical achievement: West Side Story!
An Anniversary Celebration (02/17/18)
Sinfonia da Camera
Ian Hobson, Music Director and Conductor
Debra Richtmeyer, Alto Saxophone
Rossini | Overture to La gazza ladra
Gounod | Petite Symphonie
Debussy | Rapsodie pour orchestre et saxophone
Bernstein | Symphonic Dances from West Side Story