Bold and Beautiful

Johannes Brahms, 1889 By C. Brasch, Berlin -, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons
On this week's Prairie Performances, Friday at 7 pm on WILL-FM 90.9: The Illinois Symphony invites you to bask in brilliance of Beethoven, Barber and Brahms. Illinois Symphony concertmistress, Victoria Todorova, will be soloist in Samuel Barber’s Violin Concerto. The orchestra will be featured in Beethoven’s “Coriolan Overture” and in Brahms’ Second Symphony. It’s Bold! It’s Beautiful! It’s here! on WILL-FM.
Beethoven | Coriolan Overture
Samuel Barber | Concerto for Violin
Violetta Todorova, violin
Johannes Brahms | Sym No. 2