Enthusiasm Among Illinois Democrats More Than Double What It Was In 2014: Poll
A new poll shows Illinois Democrats are far more enthusiastic about voting in this fall’s election than Republicans.
A new poll shows Illinois Democrats are far more enthusiastic about voting in this fall’s election than Republicans.
When it comes to state spending, Illinois politicians are giving voters what they want. That’s the problem.
With Democrats in firm control of the Illinois General Assembly, abortion rights might seem to be safe in the state. But what would happen if the U.S. Supreme Court overturned its landmark Roe v. Wade decision, which made abortion legal across the country in 1973? Abortion-rights supporters worry that an Illinois statute from 1975 could act as a “trigger law,” automatically banning abortions in the state.
Disapporval numbers are high for both Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner and Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, in a new poll from the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute.
The pilot program currently has about 6,000 patients, not close to what advocates were hoping for at this point. They say there are number of reasons behind that - including the application process, and the state's failure to expand the list of qualifying conditions. Without legislative action, it will expire in January 2018.