Masking policy roundtable
A public health administrator and Side Effects Media managing editor discuss best masking practices and the current state of the pandemic.
A public health administrator and Side Effects Media managing editor discuss best masking practices and the current state of the pandemic.
We trust doctors to keep us healthy. But what happens when a doctor betrays that trust? In recent years, dozens of people who were born decades ago with the help of fertility treatment are coping with the revelation that they weren’t conceived the way they were told.
Earlier this month, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams issued an advisory. More Americans he said, should know how to use naloxone, the opioid overdose antidote, and carry it with them in case they encounter someone who has overdosed on heroin or other opioids. But actually getting a hold of naloxone can be difficult. Many pharmacies and local health departments don’t stock it, and not everyone can afford it.