Urbana, Il

Looking for garden inspiration? Visit the Idea Garden!

Join us at the Idea Garden in Urbana, Illinois to get inspired! Jennifer Nelson gives us a tour, highlighting maintenance techniques, pest and weed control, ways to keep your annuals in full bloom, and the beauty of vegetable gardening.

Whispering As-salaamu Alaikum

In this fourth episode of 800 Miles from Ground Zero:9/11's Impact on Central Illinois we foucs on how 9/11 impacted the lives of Muslims across the country and locally in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. We cover the struggles that many Muslims experienced due to 9/11 and how they have overcome these challenges and continue to thrive in America today. 

7:46 AM CST 9/11/2001

The first plane hit the World Trade Center in NYC at 7:46 CST in the morning  in 2001. In this first episode of 800 Miles from Ground Zero: 9/11's Impact on Central Illinois listeners hear memories from this day and the weeks following from a variety of people currently living in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois who recount their experiences during a time that horrified, traumatized, and brought together a nation.

800 Miles from Ground Zero: 9/11’s Impact on Central Illinois

800 Miles from Ground Zero: 9/11's Impact on Central Illinois is a four-part podcast series that documents how people currently living in the Champaign-Urbana (CU), IL area experienced September 11, 2001. Uni High School students collected perspectives from community members who lived in CU, New York, and Washington on 9/11/01, members of the local Muslim community, veterans who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, university experts and anti-war activists to uncover how 9/11 influenced our understanding of U.S. foreign policy, our local efforts at “homeland security,” and how those efforts both divided and brought a nation together.

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