Transcript: Oral History Interview: Albert Helregel of Loda
Transcript: Oral History Interview: Albert Helregel of Loda
World War II Central Illinois Stories
Oral History Interview: Albert Helregel of Loda
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Transcript for file: alberthelregel2007-10-30.mp300:00:00
today is Tuesday October 30th
imhs Williamson I am interviewing Albert hellriegel
for the veterans history project of the Library of Congress American Folklife
Folklife Center we are at Studio X Campbell Hall Urbana Illinois
Henry Radcliffe is the director of lighting sound in camera
I’d like you to start fight LA00:00:30
telling us where you were before you went in the service and how you came to join
how is sandwich Illinois this year was in 1941
1 highway in the servers and 3rd and 31st
March I went into Sycamore just one guy went in my order number
9722 Sycamore dairy when in Chicago
orchard how are you staying there about Derek Kuhn me when you can
can t grant and can’t bring me went very welcome campground to f***00:01:05
temperature at Fort Bragg North Carolina stallion stay there too long
I have no speed ever dinner with Knoxville so I didn’t get too much awkward training
Friday night I stayed air out of there about to Tremont in Fort Bragg red sand
it’s an everyday William has sand in her food and then they come back
come back to paint Camp Forrest Tennessee is hurting her division are the National Guard
Fort Bragg and I know what but I guess I didn’t get too much Sun causes in the hospital with nose bleed00:01:40
who played Omar in a burned out my nose I got better and then and then I want to come back to import
import Tennessee to give me love more train or put trans death and how it made
are there until the war broke out in 1941 December 7th
remind me when we went to New York to get on the ship where to do training
should you do a Dr tell her it’s raining in my head that im 155 howitzer
we got moon on Wendover in 41 weeks going 100 summer young Arkansas
the song Louisiana we would need camp Little Movers and I was with her00:02:15
cold outfits whole outfit with a large war game yeah but working
it was hard to guns and everything 155 howitzer that’s all they had then
World War 1 veterans of ww1 artillery guns and then that’s always
that’s all we had then and then we’ll come back off a newer war broke out December 7th
7041 Orange Ave from part 2 weeks we had for cities
red 32 ships in convoy
country is Panama Canal a while get you there that movie app new aircraft carrier00:02:50
workers are no better ship ship had 5000 on my step
Inez 5000 another we got into a store meeting with them waterway about
pool full of potatoes without down the Carribean mist or drop
smells so bad at Target Home Otsego
how to go over things at G Street00:03:25
where the way to the tide come in the big ships going too much water if they couldn’t get in to the guys in grease
did Greece CrossFit Port Hope found no never come back
and they were they want to see the American soldiers stayed there about a week or two I live right in there
River in the houses with the people in it and they had to 5 gallon buckets00:04:00
porch two guys what we going to be more charity on the street I know
why think Weezer about a week or two give me one back New Caledonia no guns
we waited are 6 weeks for New Caledonia French island coming back about power 600
Intermountain Maitreya north and we stay there I think we stay there around 6 month old got to go
and then the November we went into water canal weather
why you at New Caledonia Missouri concerned that the joint what is fiat vacation might be coming00:04:35
becoming closer not having abdominal strain when we got in Australia Darwin already then
but I never got any further
do you get a new gun 6 months later he went into water canal how long did you have time to train on the guns
at what you want to go to come out I hardly any and all really no no just a few
that’s all we went into action by the way I’m ever we got off their ship
any other way to rest when water so is the R Kelly came in how long after the first invasion00:05:10
they had our children our guns and everything that they did Jim plan to replace him we got there
there’s glad to see if 32000 guys move dance Americal division steak company
company Caledonia little bit about the makeup of the Americal division Americal division
33rd Division from Camp Forrest Tennessee it was all different outfits
big division out of it but think I heard from all over the United States
Chicago in St Louis Rock Island Moline ever price00:05:45
David small over all the guys were people from other countries to no no gif
what we had when we got there than what we had Australian troops air 2
hey go out on patrol handmade radio back with you when I am weak
darkiller you know and we put up three rounds in 6 seconds
automatic artillery unit 12 guns for not much and not dead
post it and it fell on the ground there’s a time trail the man that went out to the truth that it went off
because she was time to hit the ground and hit the metal and iPhone
loft hotel go to the gun and he had got out of work I don’t think I have a hundred feet away
hold on your time show time format for 3:40 p.m.
the ground so just move everything off see so you have had a battery00:06:55
battery of 12 Italian
boarding houses in a number always a second gun
how is Hartford a new wear to a ranger where we met
Truman Capote infer about a month old for his Spirit Mountain Home AK with hot air but who
who was supporting the troops something from him yet he never gave her trip to head
we just moved head too fast when we use always right behind me I don’t imagine over
700 yards write my name in dreams we never 14 hand band
party with a Japs would you had to stand guard at night you know if a long time you didn’t get permission
Birmingham 4 night jobs they didn’t act too much after night I didn’t date
date stay stay in their group you know anything about how long were you on Guadalcanal
re I was there I was there at that fall till I got a hernia and then I went00:08:05
winter New Hebrides house with a navy for 21 days with water
are there in about 45 minutes in hell at least that would change positions
what time yeah but they’re all time on water canal 71st and weed
can we talk back her first her Fallon we cant back I went I got
I got this record I went out one night 15 on the trail nobody get up and I would not lift
trailhead hernia when down in Mass Effect 1 on one side
good bathroom so I was with the Navy for 21 days then I would New Hebrides00:08:40
I got operated on then I went to New Zealand this holy s*** come out so light headed
baby red cross on it I was down there about 6 week and then I went from there
come back married to get back New Caledonia get to get mouth in babies on Fiji
where are you able to join the same moon
when I come back from New
New Zealand I got it taga Miller again and ID
and I got 47 letters one day there and then I add event to Lieutenant00:09:15
what I’m getting back with you didn’t transfer me he want to keep me
animals going to go to Philippines
so when I got back they didn’t give me a job just run this big generator in the light and then it wasn’t
when I got that is Radford Virginia in the hospital area
Ultra taxi driver attacked and then we went in there I can’t
after Christmas we went in the movie off your back with your original home right now about pizza
fingering crewniverse ain’t nobody got killed nobody got killed00:09:50
at what I was going to stay on working out too long after I left it pretty well
but when we went to Bougainville we didn’t fight there too much I got to pick to come
come home at Mallory and had hepatitis and had hernia broke again in the ass
I got to come home at 202 guide I didn’t like him too much when I left
didn’t like to see me then I don’t have any money left after I you were getting off easy
getting late this is getting late and when they hit the beach of Normandy I was coming home
can you member what year that was 44 44 44 how is coming home now00:10:25
I come home in Liberty Ship I went back from nute from Loganville to nuketown on mean
can working out game dropped off and picked up some more Chris Brown all they want
which fraction is more than child over their leg shot on piano
protect America I’m a come straight home coming right straight to become right straight
straight guy that the Panama Canal begin come back through there and I was on guard all the way back
play back at one time I never get sick Amazon about 6 different ship
where to get sick and then I had more MP manual00:11:00
is hot make out I was marine in the end of the guy who picked up 6012 down Panama
ordering a dork and you know and they come back and then come back
come back to New Orleans from Upper Mississippi River and iPad with this kickin up mud dirt like that I didn’t
I didn’t want to celebrate that I could hold on going home okay anime tour of duty
beauty and health at you and then I went up after I was down to San Antonio Texas
I went to our Napa River Oklahoma army base air
Camp Gruber Oklahoma fort for sale with a good place to go for sale Yamaha00:11:35
you probably know if it well when I became ruler for the Great Big L St Elmo
will my semen not on a 200 millimeter howitzer know what I was in the service
one man in all the other guys went way back blows and lay down
set me on fire road bike helmet off Lumiere plugs out clothes on fire
Park supply Denver medical discharge but I didn’t when I finally come out of it
Gilman first let me back please come back to life are you know
fringe my hair my eyebrows everything they warned you about how they didn’t put in the wrong power00:12:10
chrome powder charge for the gun all I ever farted no more 200mm
filling in the Christmas guy that be help it that I meant with it was going to go to occupation order
overnight leave in it is going to go to occupation there I said shoot in FIFA
he said go home and drink a little whiskey come down I turned into hard drive temperature
yeah yeah what are again and then I went down to a server
service man down Monticello Arkansas dead prisoners on their person at 8000 rack
7000 wax hair if I’m going home tonight00:12:45
novicane prisoners red 7500 ml 500
German pilots say there is no doubt dreaming the same to use cut my hair for nothing
I didn’t pay nothing good cook
Big Sur from a nice day. I got discharged with a service
service command the responsible for Magnolia images
professor said you were it possible for the Calvin show piano in a knot in it
show me how to board down in the bottoms of Eric riddle how to get rid of all my soul00:13:20
434 bushel baskets episode gunner horse mates with and it going to take that back there
hit me when it went okay to take him and cut pump would you know in the daytime
will it take a whole loaf of bread and I break into any red ring how to lose Chris Rihanna
this is it be back tomorrow or just going to visit some ladies out in the woods I didn’t want to use animation on them
synonym try to him when I reported to be back in the morning I come back in the morning they were there
cricket top up would you do for paper
Fremont down there and then I got booty booty power amp00:13:55
EMP bomb alarm all time
over you by now the war was almost over you 445 Stroop syrup Rihanna
porters nursery pretty much yes I’m back
so I come out at 5 points do I get out of it
can I put the end of it okay to get out 19th at I got out in June
June 9th 1945 I was in 4 years 2 months in 8 days for years
too much on a date that’s why I was in all the other 2100:14:30
and that reminds clothing with a gun out of laundry and my insurance 10000
10200 everybody I got that I got $15 a month and then I got the
Nipsey got 65 when retired and when I got out
I got out how do I get to 300 Medford Ave
how did you come to enlist before Pearl Harbor in the peacetime what was the P
the peacetime army order number I wish I was 21 years old in Sept00:15:05
September and then again that government 1944
4197 and in the Army when I was working for a guy hard
hard man on the farm that’s only did it did it
is it necessary to try to go in house 2130 order number
4297 was what we call a draft number 1 draft number
7494 the draft was an effect that we are gonna be like that huh
there’s two car guys hit me baby one going to go in the head gonorrhea00:15:40
women going to win big on penicillin shot in his back in a few days
movie when all the way we went with Cardinal campground can never get for trading
where the guy went in with you for on him winning the Sycamore that was the county seat of DeKalb
can I work at 14 years Fort Wayne IN
just March is it smart to be 70 years you can buy a guy only got $4
saturday more then we went in there
where did corned beef and cabbage all the way to Fort Bragg on train I look out the window one time00:16:15
couldn’t see the underground new five engines on the train train
attack of two days and two nights get there from Camp Grant
lets run away and will sometimes you think back about if I could see you came from a small town in the all
the all the parts of the world lives in Australia news I want to head over there with
when we first got over there they didn’t have no camper North Korea in the park on the ground
and then they brought us into town about 40 miles from Melbourne to send a town we live
ridin with their family live I was pretty like you had three heads redone00:16:50
three daughters on the porch just 2 guyz serving breakfast
breakfast in bed ohmygosh yeah I never had no running water and has an army base like that anymore
anywhere else I can tell him I didn’t have nothing like that didn’t know they haven’t
haven’t I just weren’t ready for the troops to alive and I know that just wasn’t ready for nothing
early yeah I come quick see you take 32000 guys cumming engine
guys we tried every morning they make a screen on a tree after you die
Martin step you couldn’t you couldn’t even stay in bed all day00:17:25
when do they serve a beverage with buildabass there I don’t know I don’t know what they done got the jack
Jackson quit after week after Marines land on Guadalcanal
and then they run out of ammunition I mean I run out of planes in Alabama
Eminem never run out of food everything there Delilah
the Islander Destin FL around no surprise in Riverhead Vegas
I got so much more add Battles art class adult night holder
how did dumb going back again to your early training how is it you or anything00:18:00
what is the premier trailer as opposed to me but when I went in for children did you cut me off
112 back up when your children 100
close on right to color guys in front of me in the head venereal disease
update get out but they didn’t run right back to me
iwhitney artillery when are killers was the lucky draw
3 week 1 train go run train gun and Camp Forrest Tennessee00:18:35
how to clean mud and then when I come Fort Bragg thats a national place
play funeral for permit building that right you can see blonde guy from the end of America theater
is it bad to eat spinach
you’d have sand in that what you were told ya but I didn’t stay there too long
are you close to the surface and I just need a lot
keep you out of the service was it good that wasn’t going to keep you up
so it was almost the luck of the draw be in the artery
real good we had been for breakfast noon supper day trading
betrayed me real good we had all English mean we had all American Nurses in in New Zealand
its all ive been down here like that I don’t know what they feel00:19:45
how is Auckland New Zealand 6 weeks
what month and a half now they take me out in the morning and working out
I took care of a guy he had to hurt I had a ruptured appendix
infection cefdinir if I said I didn’t leave I can’t stand it 2 days he died
he didn’t get it all you know in scientific method gangrene
Green he’s about 20 21 years old and he died00:20:20
we’re going to go to long pretty good joke did you ever do I go and try to make you exercise
I couldn’t I couldn’t read it yet but you were too short yeah I probably thought you could
I can do I still have stitches in your course they want to keep keep you moving
how I know I didn’t in left nipple itches and steel who would you talk to youngsters
unilorin nephew with what are the most memorable things that you want
want to make sure they know about from your 44 years or more in the service during ww2
when I lean back on 18 year olds come over and they didn’t know enough to lay in the center of the00:20:55
hot girl with a mosquito bar around and Emmett
did they understand the bar 330 area
new air filter cut out of rain tonight in making different than just got back from a Chino
not not dead made out next time I see the bar and miss you baby goodnight
432 Matt and you have no how later they bite you
not just a female mosquito get in my area
replacements and you know you guys got sicker like a guy drove in hip00:21:30
The Rock died Hidden Springs head open and replace
18 19 year old fetus maiden North Carolina
yoga program guide long for that that was behaving very small shirt
Reno New Caledonia now they never had to marry mesquite is there
is the outside of a 98 burn cow manure00:22:05
what they were area
real beautiful w**** amendment
is Great Big Sea great big universe
underground the real full needles pineapples
when they have bananas to you never hear about that long00:22:40
here I sit on a tree video to watch for the poison spiders bite you
yeah I know what didnt we had a centerpiece 2 biggest thing with her tail
image in the shell in Brazil in a pint Michelle Lynn
you don’t reject it in your head
it has 7 charges in their breath00:23:15
need your hands or legs are done on the shelf
write go 7 mile
2000 miles 7 miles from your house right now charge
that’s quite a ways
so when you were in one of these artillery firing00:23:50
the minute yeah they were already charged then or than
1234567 gold and silver dinner 7 mile
7 mile food when you cut it down it would go for it all depends on how you had the elevation
one time when I told my elevation with too low in a pardon to tenant
how far to carpool both beginning or the sergeant I told the truth
we didn’t fire all day learning center inventory00:24:25
television with you like or what I told her it was you know
14 not see you didn’t go beyond the inventory worth
that’s what she said how many men were on the gun crew free time we had
816 guys to cruise if im different day night we had 14
volcano ever date will it work wrapped up in the mountains of the Equator00:25:00
show me know what the temperature it was no lights and UV dick down 34 feet
hit water if I tore some water was the typical temperature
22 daytime hundred Knight how to defeat the mood South
International Date Line to the moon this time around the North like here
who drowned her south end at night for your you lost your day going over again and they come back
come back here is a tray of course yeah about
I’m coming back to your Arabian crew what did each person do on a cruise00:25:35
we are young Glee season in Utah that picture that she had a drone Virginia
carita gun get the powder charge right out they come in cases
where to watch for them to get over an Eminem fan everything ready
it had to be ready to go in the gun you know right away and I was the job of the loaders
head what had a carb on a sergeant and I’m number one man in number00:26:10
phone number to Man 3 & 4. Give a guy hold together on the crew Navajo
where to cruise
sounds like a lot of people who have you avoid getting any other than 60 90 how did you get on
void getting in each other’s way when you’re playing the gun what are the other stand back video
too much sleep they wouldn’t even work too good to sleep in a little
weird one guy one night he woke up I guess you going to win over a year and he had a semi automatic00:26:45
Guinness an elephant down arrow around Buddy Guy
all around he got up all night you know any picked up gonna start to hurt
hold I’m going to have their toothbrush
take that away from me money automatically get big appetite
808 try to get you when you went to trial bitch tied himself up in a tree
you never know you had him dead or not to go not dead hes still be up there but there00:27:20
he always try to get you when you went fell like
were you ever wish your unit ever fired on FiOS fiber when you were going to go ahead and go
I had a gun at a gun the Japanese had a gun I must have it up in the mountains
he tried to get to try to get to ship to come in the supply cone headed on track
great big gun has a good morning 155 yet getting here to do in track
Amtrak San Pedro Buy going out on the track and read it back on your ship to come in the harbor
Harbor and one day in the east sergeant leaves in the foxhole he said you think you’re going to get in00:27:55
that’s what I said long to hear that
I just one you don’t hear you’re going to get there and he won he was out
any part in this airplane was up there and she saw the fire flash and boyfriend
how tall were they are no more wow I finally got a machine
Charlie your to come over about time you went to bed down
you know about blue eyes can come over here so high that border00:28:30
40 or 50 millimeters to take a 9 millimeter reaching reaching is too high to win it
Natalie Wood Road in Paris KY night fighter got him why was it called work
trotting down you know why was it called washing machine Charlie Sheen Charlie doors come about time
about time you went to sleep at 10:30 at night every night he is always on time
any noise after the airport he’s always have the airport code heads big bats lay down you know00:29:05
down there and then terremoto planes can fly
how to fix a lip next day and had colored eyes grow after not heat
standard need a new mattress down and then the plains and ready to go when I go back and Bumble
Loganville bomb them getting that I was ready for your own back
where did he do that one night with W
trade a car for order and we will all ready to go and then here00:29:40
he’s coming over and we’re all run for their pool in order when you know
you just kidding me you know so you have room to stand or no
seahorse make a doll card trick that way
hello goodbye at the end of it has a long time ago I love daytime
times you can t remember just the exact day the date it happened you know when everything but is always moving and not
the weed weighed at 35 and 6 months on the guns and rifles where did little carbine00:30:15
the little truck gun you can farm with one hand behind
they were departed 30 millimeter shell Japanese he had a 25 mill
mmm what I hear that explode it is terio pieces you didn’t live with a hit you with it
hidden if you have a felony in 25 millimeter when the heat index load
Indian history app no internet
45 in all repair 445 victory dance decorative big show00:30:50
Michelle to for the infantryman have the garage even though they had a Browning automatic running help
Jim wants to know what they have
how many got a new rifle to David Moore automatic in 2012 at first we had to World War
420 Springfield Ave Springfield NJ
look at that I mean if its 30 millimeter 35th ave. Porn show
Robert Redford for bullying for that to write when they fired you know that they would burn
Maria trattoria Neapolis 501 B 17 come in one night with my wife00:31:25
wife work on Wickham in one day had holes in it that big around the core power
the coupon app out with dead radio operator Bowden Bowden
motor it had holes drilled into it
hope you had a lot better than blue doll the bag in for the Sun
b17 bomber
take a lot to survive survival ep 24 Denver credit fast
what a big load is it b-17 317 fastener00:32:00
record a bigger load the U of M in Germany
rage everyday everyday they drop fighter fighter hood always followed the bombers in OD
2008 the girl had a thousand horsepower motor in it one time you run out of fuel
Tron on the water in a thousand horsepower motor in there is no armor plate around
Paladog one bullet heavy after not going down00:32:35
we had sex but I couldn’t come out of a dive no way they could outrun anything with him
Yeah Yeah Yeahs house horsepower motor in there until later in the world
it was good I’m good players there is good
sweet like to talk about today
Darrelle Revis this about it I had the most had the best food
Buddha when I was within a day good for sandwich has supplied 50
Navy Canadian hospital ship there00:33:10
corny line income New Hebrides ASVAB for 500 miles road and the Beast
b47 we went way high Red Roof 8500
Brunswick storm is about 600 miles from water canal and now I went in at
Navy base air port on a talon
how is it so small I said it already gave you
good medical drama good
good heavens real guns everywhere you go I had a lot of help I didn’t realize that the service is00:33:45
did repair ships and stuff like that I need it
and then we’ll regional job like that it was a big gun rev limiter on Fiji
who can I take care of it if you don’t take care of it right
regenerator waiting to go back to unit
prices right about 10 o’clock every night remember one night in New York00:34:20
all in 15 minutes barber cut loose with a big air horn
take me away from action then after I left I don’t know I don’t like it when the Philippines were having a
milk out of business that killed discharge and hers and she’s got a picture of St Louis
St Louis say he was there the Jets come right to the inventory
they want to keep them out and I don’t know how long I stay
Atlanta outlet near your back
back home when I was coming home help I’ve been a long time00:34:55
the long time ago
yeah you got a good job of telling us great deal yeah
do you have what kind of life kind of like that girl I like history
I’d like to give you one more chance if there’s anything else you want to
reminisce about I guess not HIPAA came home on Evans in Liberty
Zack from going to come out with coming straight home become straight to the time Okinawa and it was for sale
didn’t take as long as a month ago but I don’t think00:35:30
do we come back after 10000 miles from here to Australia
Tappan New York what time it is a long trip
yeah really running vest on that time I was going to ship a d5000
John Johnston hurting from mid tech not know about Madrid
droid about 30 40 feet of water have more than 5000 guys on earth
that’s a lot of guys debunk
and they had pipes up and had this Kansas title in pipe that holds the invite stolen00:36:05
vision bank Fargo ND guy gropes his stepmom Facebook
I am lighter got tell you where two meals a day
red breakfast about 1000 in a urine sample before
is somebody with hard bags no like sheep to have a lot of money without you knowing Altria
nobody read it and then I had to had some chicken there to everything with dehydration
Irish potatoes hearing and everything like that reason why drink a little coffee
because that sterilizing water is heating water with pretty file because that’s what I got00:36:40
Titus Welliver horse app so when you have 5 people sleeping
tipping at the same right straight up tell my girlfriend when you got rough water that top guy he got
he got pretty rock types on the ship you know and they started
hard to break your water all over the floor Adam in them back now
metal hard time doing that when we got out I got out of that have a storm ID
everything quite and up you know everything
redwave 2014 32 go down if you didnt hit that s*** paid on it in it00:37:15
rolling over for you ID hit on but when it went in there is it like
walk like that that’s wrong
1343 high Eagle down the internet could see it but if you need come up
MUP it come up on top of the way he be riding high
call Mike typhoons hit the song I was your man
your mother mother go get wife to w**** island Hawk killed all the people on it and everything
I never came out of water00:37:50
can go down but I don’t have it shipped miss Amal
what is the temp you see water for 30 days and 30 nights you’re out there long time
when your from the Midwest and haven’t seen it before it’s alright 2520
120 pounds on the way over cause I didn’t eat much I got c6 am a god download
no time to get the runs to you know you get scar
stars who dont digest when you should just rock hold on
Sedona rocks and rolls in a row like in up and down like this00:38:25
what hit them big waves hair when your getting close to Lance your feet
you see the seagulls and stuff coming out and you see them purposes will not your fault
faller go to sign up for the most of you
well to recover when you got the wrong young to be crated
what kind of food eaten in your head that it was all straight over there over there
salad with lettuce good for when you were 18 a bet you never suspected
suspected to be in Australia when you are 22 no appetite at 2200:39:00
I was in just about a year when in March is 31st and then I wish I was 20
2522 an infected cut September and then I was Henry’s head
weekend brewer feasible Twitter I never forget
Wendover Marriott Memphis obit Indiantown Gap and we got off the train
Bandcamp or fantasy is septa fare per minute Biggest Loser jump rental cars
you know what u Haul cattle in 40271 Minnetonka
New York train amor00:39:35
new dancehall upskirt at the end of the rope to hang on like that and semis
semi cattle truck what yeah Yello
load up makeup on the train again I want to trip with us birthday
Indiantown Gap PA you’re getting pretty close New York long time
how to draw Olaf in a semi trailer
m2 with a overnight then camp out tomorrow
where is removing all time moving storage U00:40:10
European representative of regeneration good feeling original 22
who were living in something something to live through all that I’ll say no shoulder guys my age are
imagine that charges he died not to the other one died
dog eat human food barn in Kentucky teenager Trenton Illinois
Steinbeck Fear River party or cold yeah he’s in micrograms is in my Grand Cru
short way to write Belleville
Yahoo thank you over this afternoon I’m glad you could come in cell00:40:45
can give us the security stresses me out what’s in the area
chemical in a week and had heptitis mom at 24 years old
the girl for a whole year
someone hepatitis it works on your liver in your lane unit 12
drink a beer you don’t come back up
how many people come out of a can
singer want I’m going to go to TV the judges you know Yahoo00:41:20
name of the guy that she couldn’t sing food
you are your wife for telling me there was a moment where they said they were the telegram to your family
your family back home about how will you wear your family got a telegram saying
when I come back from New Zealand I got it I got an oval track in Meridian
and I miss you always go and I took care of me to take out the mouth
talk to mom about you jerk it out I went out one day at noon then come back the next day
you got me just got out of Sacramento area00:41:55
went out I think I have a little yellow jaundice to use always
everything is Yosemite right now that makes you Orianthi
hello to your house for the week I was still run down yet from the operation C
let me out loud come out that’s too good yet I wouldn’t I wouldn’t
forgot what I was just saying that your family got to come to my house right now very worried
Dr Sheba from Rhode Island called Rhode Island Red Sochi cumbieros ne pick me up make me sing it
sing in the car to go to church ohmygosh yeah I know a lot of songs00:42:30
should come by and pick me up because I’ll take good care of here
is a phase or final don’t you want to tell us about what your grandfather game
what your grandfather gave you my rosary I got ya
yeah yeah I’m in a ser Virgen yah we still on Guadalcanal
service in the air come in an envelope crossword hanging out
Effects of the end of it I want for Christmas is not 65 years old
I think that’s what brought me back to the South Pacific I said everyday and loving it00:43:05
he said I’m older boy is I’m a go to hell but he says I’m going to go to church anymore
he was he was a police and I watched as I’m going to go and then I went
air trapping with coming right to the top of the town
I was the only one there only 11 how to erase un party guys are the only one I want on Sunday
and I’d had Moroder with me but I got done this is our God no border shopping
vero pizza coconut limber
Thomas boot camp Mac hold for their holding a service00:43:40
65 years old Chris vector company John Paul Pope
Paul second Pope John high priest at Loudoun
who’s down st.louis new years event he got back to me to get at me when you come back
el Pope oh yeah he’s going to put ya hands
has been read in Yahoo
service 5053 Harrison 5150
firefighters in that and he got said good luck charm00:44:15
Alex keeps up with me thank you very much
little lady was in here where’s the little lady would he ask her if she’s cheating
you think he here yet I see it
I want to give a four leaf clover that’s right I think we’re done then