Transcript: Oral History Interview: Philip John Dziuk of Homer
Transcript: Oral History Interview: Philip John Dziuk of Homer
World War II Central Illinois Stories
Oral History Interview: Philip John Dziuk of Homer
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Transcript for file: johnphilipdziuk2008-01-30.mp300:00:00
okay okay
Wednesday January 30th 2008 I am I
for the veterans
project of the Library of Congress American Folklife Center
app video X Campbell Hall00:00:30
Henry Radcliffe is the director of lighting sound and camera
tomorrow morning
where you were and what you were doing friends World work who broke out in the background
okay maybe I should back up even
listen to get that will be the background of my parents and Tobuscus
my father had been in the First World War as a hospital corpsman00:01:05
and he had seen all the kinds of problems arise if you want to call problems
I have a battle artillery that owes me he would go up there and pick up the pieces
Pizza Sutter speak in this hospital train for 2 years and he had a very
very vivid memory of that and he was a very good story
storytellers why it hurt all kind of store is like that feel it when the address of the neck
does initiate a year get the address to 21 then and he said well you’re
your only 14 15 uf I won’t have to worry about that so now ur back00:01:40
what back to December 7th 1941 Lima senior high school
backup even if either step I’m a mother was a school teacher and
so I had to learn how to read about about 45 and we’re a mile
miles from the country school I went to witches of northern Minnesota
and so they said well don’t go to school until after
I’d say about April 4th April I went to first grade 10’s
5a strange sex laws in the first grade for a couple of weeks and then the next00:02:15
then I end up in the next grade up because I was the only one of the great
grizzly 20 semanas School for the Deaf NV 11 years old and in the 8th grade
8th grade and I was like it anyway and so they were going to high school
highway 65 pounds of pot for 36 and I was 12 years old
what I was 15 lb war
Atlas and I thought oh well what the heck I’m 15 build rafters00:02:50
do they have the war lasted longer than people figures and the agent draft
Catholic down to at and so then I am I
the graduate high school if your 16 went to a community college for 2 years and graduate from
when I was 17 does it just a graduation at 17th of March
24th of March I turn 18 and now to see with this
Farm deferred can I live in a farm that only lasted 5 months old and I was 1800:03:25
18418 means your eligible for draft so I said okay looking
I looked in there look local paper has a little bit of a notice about this day only
it said take this ed test annual
then be assigned to a radio technician training for 11 train from a well
how well since my father had described in vivid details what happens when your part of it
if a tree in this is what most guys wear my calibrachoa to speak we’re going into
they did it didn’t look too promising from thats that00:04:00
captain Slate’s weather okay I’ll try the Navy so I go into the Navy recruiter Garden City
what does it take to pass this test is worth it involve a lot of physics in electrical engineering
mathematics in Africa now I’m a country boy with high school education
Mike mathematics was geometry that was it anyways
high brush up a little bit and take the test
sexy and I know it took the top of the high school graduating class in 1st place to take the test
couldn’t just take it anyway so I passed it will be dark in color00:04:35
only 5% of people pass it on top of that this 1942
4444 on 45 and wayside 1944
and so is that okay so they said don’t come now don’t come today
do they be drafted wait until we tell you when to c** inside
insult then not until January 16th 1945
50 actually go and be inducted into the US in 2008
do a special Wyckoff party radio technician training program00:05:10
and they put you into a special group of in the book
boot camp because you only had one month book intervals have up to a tree
what’s a boot camp so I ended up in Great Lakes in love
January of 1945 well I’ve been raised in northern
northern Minnesota and the ID the day before they actually
when is it is January 15th 2401 skating all day
outside for hockey play hockey 11 and then I went off to Great Lakes00:05:45
well I never been to say warm place in my life I mean praise God when above freezing and stuff
every other day will it get into the strip
Aizen got great lakes that you’re in the next year olds in San Francisco Treasure Island next year
backyard in Hawaii and I realized then that you would have to have to go free
freezing in middle of November State snow on the ground to the middle of market replace the world
because I’ve been rented anyway what is this sub frame program the foot
I put that is usually about I don’t know exactly but 90 people in a company and we were00:06:20
party company in the others that
that were at in the boot camp they were in 3 different
different Liran different companies we were in one
artis I had 3 stripes on the sleeves at because a
Prince daemon has only one if semen thick glasses to an F First Class
specimen has three and we were sworn in the equivalent of corporal in army is
Simmons first at your first day of the service you were getting ready yeah we ready advance00:06:55
advanced did that because it was a little bit of a do
because I ma the other sailors in the boot camp wood theme song
songs like take down your gold star mother put up a blue one instead
your son will never get hurt computing the square root of pie I like that C
and we birds Connor it was saying the NBA r63 r34
mp3 stripes on Ashley’s here we are the Fighting Irish play that causing anyway
you got sworn in first class switches00:07:30
squirt a lot to get that wavy headband with elastic month there
when I went to a primary training which was
who was a wee dog thinking we work at 6 that fat bitch look for the book anthem
what are two hours of electricity as per day and two hours of
what lab which mint pudding O’Casey’s AV receiver
receivers together in all kinds of stuff like that soldering and welding in the Lord anyway that00:08:05
that end in 2 hours in math well I say well I just see this message just a
Taylor review la review
the first day after that it was all brand new in
there isn’t another incentive for this condition I always kind
what kind of like to learn stuff it was interesting for me to learn at the hotel
are something besides just be in the service of the states of weather is that in Santa
other instead of that is a had a little formula RT radio technician00:08:40
fo for a round or whatever you wanna call it
blackout party over h20 with me
have you been in there for a while there’s any guys out to be out of the sea
why you over there over the age 20 20 way I want to think that they wanted
wanted his drivers for these Lana graficas you need a lot of those
drivers because he’s only guys head sticking out so they have at least two of them
think so anyway there is this other on the other side not to fly00:09:15
what the funk out Plus incentive to learn something
no you get the stripes stripes
what they’re worth
explain the symbol thats on the right shoulder of uniform okay that’s what the color
ruptured duck ruptured duck is a theme of a story
so bad it’s your birthday and this is the radio technician third class00:09:50
oil changes for a technician to Electronic Technician
yeah okay anyway
the well every week yes yes yes and it was completely completely nude
and I was completely out of my element because most guys head headache
year 2 electrons an earring in the head advanced math and head unit
long as I’m here I still remember his name but
I do remember his name but I want anyway he has00:10:25
masters in chemistry and so this is the kind of people that was competing again
against what I know about my own self my own background
in the after first day or so it’s completely brand new we talked about everything
what kind of a mathematics algebra geometry trigonometry we got it
calculus differential calculus and wave Sirius
and I’m sitting there 2 hours a day
just being overwhelmed that’s like what’s in a old saying but they can’t drink on00:11:00
drink out of the fire hose will listen to it was for me and I thought on this isn’t love
and this help me
how to steal okay I want to do this a lot to learn but at the same time
I don’t want to go to Caesar speak right away hold on
go off on a tangent here this and help me later on when I was an advisor to
undergraduate students because I worked 7 days a week
every waking moment Dallas can you keep in this program because it was00:11:35
growing so fast I never been challenged but like that because I don’t fight Welling
well and all my stars before that but never at the rate at which this is coming in anyway
when they have a student come into being a doctor check with you please a drop
white milk from chemistry like at 15 hours and I just cant get it you know that
that’s what I said okay I what were you at 6 o’clock this morning well then better than Robertson
well I would love it I want it girl I dont have it all cuz if you tell me a story
door and get to work well I was little sis say I didn’t have any
kids come back to me that way it was interesting to because
because I knew that I was the helmet in this daydream
that if you really worked at something you could do it and I work at like I said 7 days a week
every waking moment I did there
3044 industry primarily numbers 44 in this book 21 with on
the other 23 with anyway00:12:45
so I had to be the 21st guy I had to be the 21st guy says I’m just hanging
getting my teeth anyway that was first elimination
what go do with a coffee elementary Lake Christine Brady material
more the same only even faster more complicated go back to Great Lakes for 3 month program
well I have a two week period in which you do this and then another 2 weeks
2 week period another to weight ratio can you find a girl ok if you flunk back 1
you can repeat as a repeater phone back and then you can do this if you do this once00:13:20
and sometimes it love to twice you can do it not the same one hear that
anyway they had the steps we go
when to expect 2 weeks into it and number people did Frank Becker
repeat is it called it and I once dated that your kind of pancakes
no I’m sorry I love this program to study well
well they had a practice sessions before these two weeks
test is there they are they were all the multiple choices in their own00:13:55
adderall machine created in I had learned how to answer multiple
multiple choice answers one of your strong with one on fious misleading one in India
get to sleep when the other and I think I did this for about 7 months I could
pass a test that had nothing I knew nothing about it just on the basis of traffic out there
what he way are they can you cut a practice test before I 77
702 passed because sometimes instructors little bit different solid has a college a f**
Jay Sekulow acquitted I like the first test prices at 3300:14:30
23 now that’s a long way from 7901 with his pecker
forget it you’re the f*** out of lockout photo
phone number WIC meant by practice test 55 doing pretty good
I’m pretty good but I’m along with insanity a second time 2nd week
can week that I took it I get 70 with that
that I went on because I’ve been working so hard that I was won
I was one out and the other guys have been posting that has the lyrics sample00:15:05
is it ok to use earn your Navy issue 50 or you can buy
goodbye or take your a couple a circle which is electronic technician
type of thing because that’s all the formulas in 4 in penis and inductance in the resistance
electroform is in there
1044 slide rule at night then you don’t pay the Navy 11
orange crate Along Blog 2 pieces of wood Once ler00:15:40
okay I’ll try that is that the Ice Age that thing because it was a park
idea fitness down the archive done in Florida State at archived
I got down there anyway I say that think justice and I always kept at my desk
is that that reminded me of how it was anyway so
I was he at 21 first guy went under this tree with leaves
and I’ve been made the 70 17 hole and then for that played on00:16:15
platonic Gatsby easy because everybody else is now getting brand new event is well
Alex Grey Eagle Point Oregon
I made it okay that really train program at Great Lakes
Fremont Street and I was good at making things I could
welding soldering so far this year at school bag tonight at 1030
City College type thing at the address to Minnesota help me there a court inform you
learn how to make things I could do I could do things make things in it that’s also important because00:16:50
you’re as electronic technician or radio technician is a
maintenance repair and installation
do things to as well not only with your head but the other bills with your hands
okay so now I’m there in it okay to write
Wright Junior College Herschel Jerry Caldwell ID pick up anything okay to go to
go to ideal Monte California or a girl says the Maryland Fourier elementary LaVista
and I said okay I’ll go for those they sent back to Great Lakes00:17:25
its okay you can go to the Gulfport Oregon to Corpus Christi party
Bethesda Maryland warrior advance so I picked up all of those that did something
Treasure Island California
best brother things to a guy that I like ever ask what I just did
voice is like these thermostats on the wall then I think there’s anything
can you put it in there anyway I been going
anyway the other this up 21 RV 1000:18:00
winter Great Lakes Illinois 91 on the now we leave narrows down from that
and actually up in the overall I’m getting ahead of the game 3250 of us
St Elizabeth in about the same time only 9 guys with straight lines without lifting pen
f****** back of these was a dislike out and I have to be one of those I am I
is it mostly just because fear determination Treasure Island
44 you get a free month of transmitters which means you
learn how to set up transmitters and transmitters in the Navy are00:18:35
we are not little things I don’t know how the one here is for the halibut this is
these are ones we walk into the place anyway walk into the open door walk into the
into the transmitter that says that day and then the next month is receivers in the next month is radar
next month at Sonar x1 this fire control here
and then you do that for 7 month well
radar at that time was very secret the components and circuitry
we’re all very secret adderall behind high fences00:19:10
lab 3 worth now that I’ve Berkeley lip service was open
did all the classes with old very confined
will it rain guards the gates in the head of a bad just let you in and out of her stuff
lil aside from that we went to class at 7 in the morning till almost
almost 500 5 days a week and then 6 days 26 day weather
we there were on Liberty every other week or we had test every other week so we were
Radio Disney songs be in the Navy has a regular hours like00:19:45
atill pay for less on it well because I wish
we had these longer hours we gotta break in the morning about 10
1030 or so and so we’re behind this big high fences with a ring guard
guard inside this enclosure in a self important
young officer on the outside citizenship in
we knew we could get anything that bad and he said
an erection with me but they said you know what you can do with your orders in00:20:20
places where you can put that four sides and all kinds of obscenities a cup ok
okay you’re all I need to get a captains mast today date for the ringer
partner tracker Sydney Godot has best way to invest we could get in
anyway they sell ring guards at hot and they say I’m going in
I’m going to step forward which has a slope of this line with red in it
elective on the ankle broken leg hold em up and then we all just walk over there00:20:55
Tim Hall of Fame held in mouth famous for this because we were in
bury a confined cornerstone see all her books work your butt
like this like this hello circuitry for everything
Industrial locked up every night in a safe every night we if you want to study him
you had to go back in it take special permissions what so you been therapy Dark Souls edition
after the date when your guy to f*** at your hands the circuitry in southwest Missouri
is there a secret that time because well I’ll give it here00:21:30
the IFF is identification friend or foe is radar
triggers a transponder in a plane it’s either you or the enemy
it’s our side of your neck and it comes back and says ok shoot the sky down
discada well of present commercial planes have the same thing
the radar screen when I send out a signal is Vince Vaughn
ponder on a plane with sandbags the number of the plane so you know
who you are and where you are us so that’s not it at that time is very very high secret00:22:05
there is no circuit for his all black and white under normal
radar sonar a transmitter receiver
cables might have 20 different wires in a cuantas color coded Tulsa
killswitch you end up with one hear you I know which one it is at the other end to because it
color coated in certain way they did regularly is to
give you a sudden test for color blindness because
color blind you were out this is no way just like you can’t be a player if you have migraine00:22:40
migraines what they did this and periodically just making sure because you want me shirt
this is this is not something you anyway
so back to the transmitters receivers Minnesota anyway
you did a couple hours of lapping the last word music couple shooting
they would put bad tubes in or short out something
singer but a bad component in or do something like that to the equipment and then
you would be responsible for getting it fixed and south00:23:15
I was I was good at that I really like
it’s a matter of problem solving if you have the circuitry and then you can tell what days
the boat bully should be here pay here should be there
so you could test out in a very systematic weight well some people weren’t as good as other
fĂsica do the math video
figure out how to solve the problem with YouTube bad
attracted to that went on for 7 months all of these things00:23:50
we were in San Francisco Bay Treasure Island in Sonar
sonar sound navigation and ranging which is is a big
diaphragm with a vibrator finger send out a signal or listen
5c no single thing about me is there and then comes back
and you learned a lot about acoustics because sonar is sound definition
Raiders radio station songs about 760
I feel better in white gold00:24:25
that’s what the water temperature in the salinity influences
phone says the return episode that if you were me this at something
something in your car in very cold and water that changes its date
the distance that you’re doing cuz he’s distancing range radar
ranging in distance radio distance and reading is measured how
how far is it how far back and tells you where you are in00:25:00
so that the sonar is not only that but also listening so you listen
and you could put the is heads for the calm down into the water
the water and then a macaw Santa Fe Bay San Francisco Bay near the flu
water taxi out there you could hear the fastest
Oris big chef tell
and you can tell almost 5 numbers revolutions in and how fast the ship is going so good
even under water you can tell what is go00:25:35
is going on elsewhere on the radar thing because there is this
where is this before computers you had to get a the range or within
what’s a relative bearing fit 02 berry
North and South you aim the thing the radar
antenna Kathy
object that you picked up and then you determine how far you are away from it
and then you do this a couple different times and then you determine the range00:26:10
range of a first and then the angles are you know when you have too much crying
triangulation you can tell where you are and where you are and where they are
they are so you don’t want to run into them or you are by server so whatever
even if you have controlled the fire the guns you run over it
what’s the weather is going to be so you should quit going to be now
what is it when I saying that I have messages without shoring and Laura
Laura Charette is short range navigation triangulation to the head00:26:45
antennas at different places in the world and then you can tell her you were quite precise
precisely by D & C triangulation what long range AR lower
Carly Lauren is also that I needed the precursors of what now GPS
ghost from the via satellite see you get
you get triangulation from dare to dream where you are well in Lawrence
what was used to somebody later things to bomb worth
use that to determine out the GPS texting anyway so that was another thing00:27:20
also got involved in this way I was
I wish you all this in Medford close the top of the class in this thang in
again out of the 90 something went into this particular group only 44 went out of it
dress tomorrow at the seasons be interesting aspect of it
that I thought about later that is about strength
blacks were only human
cooks or Stewart ever never in any thing else lyrics00:27:55
foot insoles companies are in to that position we had to black
fl oz in a couple thousand witches of the season
I don’t know how many exactly when it made video
videos out there so it is this so recognition school in Treasure Island
I don’t like I had to take it out there anyway to and they were the only two
22 in the whole thing because it has services at that they were very close
closest I get everything that I will have another thing hears Lil B00:28:30
is little bit more upper connect to the LEAs service in areas
in a maze of a 1945 D European war
in the end there is no celebration there is no nothing
all the war ended in there that was the end of the present world
Roosevelt died Truman took over interests no big
Big Bang thoery water/ice concern
well I don’t know why or why not it just wasn’t00:29:05
it wasn’t being so thirsty it in in and it was
headbands sold on out this worth the other thing as a leading up to
who was that Treasure Island with the embarkation point
for the Pacific Fleet in the face
Pacific border speak the Japanese from and
the embarkation
holding area for these people are going to go on these00:29:40
ships and boats in Fort Worth or he is behind a very high
barbed wire fences here and over about another 560
gap between the two in a because I would walk by them
why this guys on the other side every time I went throught Tahoe
hopelessly died today hair guys on the other side that are going to go on the ships see
San Francisco Bay has fiber 615 one day and one when you wake up
actually look up liquor sold Philadelphia consensus over over over over00:30:15
Lisa Smith business but the only thing
the only thing in the Treasure Island Navy and Marines
so anyway there sitting there about her standing there about 5
5 minute the most 5 10 feet away from you and there’s 2 barbed wire
Eric hi bavari Sprint if you spoke to those guys on that side they put you under
you on that side until that roof left with my liquor so well that’s not
that’s not very good for your classroom situation because you need fixing00:30:50
texting you this out to see with me anyway to trailer
I sense a difficult it was built more than difficult
guys be up there like everyday
note to my wife widgets would you mind calling my girlfriend remind u joint
anything I send a song to my mother at right by me
ft bliss emotional affair
this broken down there while because it you know that those guys00:31:25
and it was not on the talk about the Japanese going to give up
there should be some guys here the greedy Prins balls in it in it
one of the guys Tim Corbin this with my Collies I was a bitch masturbate
what city was one that directed the up both into the various places in
what are the island to stay in Vegas for 10000 dreams killed over today.
a period is like 1000 Japanese killed in the deep
bodies were so thick in the water they couldn’t get the landing craft A to Z show anymore00:32:00
in the next day water was so filled with maggots that they couldn’t get the
get the bolts off because a negative plug up the water the cooler in Florida
guys were involved in this no secrets this is what was going on it
so this is this your ignoring on the other side
there’s a guy you know that this girl but is it called it
The Witcher rumors and Latimer true and Latimer not but NFL
as soon as you know that things were not ready I’m going well in00:32:35
the Pacific they had held the Japanese back from
completely occupying say football in this is like that but it wasn’t easy
easy going going back the other way Viggle get his ass or your love it
I love it when they drop those last two bombs on Japan
is the happiest riot in San Francisco to other 7 million people
on the West Coast ready to go because I respect a million casualties
back of the steps it takes about 20 people to keep one00:33:10
Philly alibi for every guy does shooting a gun there’s a lot 2015
and I was one of those guys it was back there I wasn’t gonna be
Charlotte me nothing ever happened to me I didn’t you know anybody
is all terms of comparing with people directly involved in
big hero I’m not nothing I was just wondering eyes and Becca but these guys00:33:45
did I’m ignoring here you know darn good well that they’re going into harm’s way
pretty good kind of modestly harm’s way accolades
I guess this is a kill or be killed Weber gets it done better is one of the winter
so anyway I ignore those guys in
and then in August when they die
when they drop plumb for 48 hours be00:34:20
San Francisco outlet number West Coast was just one happy riot
Market Street Mission Street are two very long Broad Street
streets in San Francisco they turned us loose
tylenol sleep and are the only thing I can close to be hard but I still have this
this is a I was walking down the street again
is Mission Street and brook hollow Lakers won00:34:55
there was a shard of glass about 5 or 6 feet long f*** this big to begin with in
Instagram down to the very sharp point in my buddy and I will walk along gawking at Hollister
in the shard of glass went through my blouse here in between me
give me in that I want all the ways that water so I still have this
thats it thats goes I came but I could kill myself and they were people killed after birth
us some people dropping stuff out of the test or dropping on people00:35:30
I know if you ever seen these pictures are not but it showed from the top it’s all you see this
white hats in Irvine what we take a picture at the ground
ground level it was the Salem of the white hat on all of the people at the White House on the sailors all that
Hanson fake funny just everything down
find out idea I came back on
back on to the base in a drought and we came back on the bay season 2
two ways when does eat place called Barker dead Bay Area00:36:05
passport anyway recent deaths in that was a train
train that went on the bottom of the Oakland Bay Bridge in now that’s all it is that’s nothing
does exist anymore they have eight eyes suck cars the one way in this
what time is it dark where you going to work text me okay so I went back in
things at the colony USPS find a clear the streets
Evernote malicious damage your sister happy
happy happy people you have no idea00:36:40
overwhelming panda run better get to live a simpler life
I still remember Avera
very drunk sailor sitting on the curb with shovel in head on
and that’s stuck in my head white
eBay I still was in school and I tried then to now
and things were kind of a concert in Seoul
so they say that okay I will continue until I can I graduate in January
in 1946 now
and so I said okay whatever
cuz I was in you sign up for the war in
the directory the duration and one year with what you do when you sign up where I was
yeah they made you train on every single00:37:50
items mentioned sonar radar and not get you out
into the ships in the shooter why can’t they train you on radar Linthicum radar specialist
what’s sonar and then get you out faster because this tiny parachute exception
what problems is your on a ship you might be the only technician
if you know about sonar in the president goes out you’re in trouble
and so if they wanted you to know to be give me a sign any place any time
why can’t I stand that to even though I didn’t use some of the a train00:38:25
in a general service and she used all of it but a tooth
do only know one thing wouldn’t be very safe
is it because they think you someplace you were your a technician make
you go and be that whatever you are so that’s why you were everybody at your door
do everything to everybody maybe where is good at something anyway
I graduated I graduate yeah and so this is
and so I end up with going back to00:39:00
Tula i buy Ted leave and went back and forth across the country
Buffy for tennis being on leave and liberty and maybe sometime and liberty and Lee
free Levi should have ended up I went to the US soldiers in Chicago
and I went to the US owes in Milwaukee Great Lakes is halfway between the head Liberty train
train and that means it’s Saturday morning at about 1000
f*** there be a big train there and you’re all jump on it in when you go to
Chicago innroad be 10,000 girls waiting for you in 10,000 parties fun00:39:35
Best Buy in Milwaukee by lightning in Chicago for the first month and I die
can I go into the US owes a long time Michigan had Village Sylva NC
and so I can okay I’ll go to Milwaukee so I went on Milwaukee Liberty training Gothard
TheraTears 10000 girls in the sign need a party for need party for needs
this and that and they really fit in here well we are you
are you all the time then along comes easy
the day you’re supposed to get on this number train back at 11 o’clock at night well I00:40:10
as you send inspection at about say at 10 o’clock in the
f****** morning on Saturday and get on the train okay so your inspection you got to have them
waiting on the test form 2b perfect everything is alright okay so talkative
1100 and how can u back drunken dirty Devils
Hartley uniform sailors get back on track if anything
teetotaler it was that because I saw a moor
guy that got into more trouble because of LLC00:40:45
will say about the one Liberty relieve the pain from bad women good whiskey but not
but not necessarily in that order anyway so that’s what that the Liberty Tree
every train did I had all kind of experiences with
Libertys in Chicago in Milwaukee now I’m a little c***
little country boys never been on a Minnesota or been in any town bigger than St Paul Minneapolis
dallas/fort median hour to license it out exactly did Saint Paul for girls
what goes good with a beard I’ll completely out of my element here00:41:20
big city burrito in a hole that knowledge big titty things as you get
is all the temptations in the things because of sailors and soldiers worth
good targets in a sense because a generous Pico
speaking they were there and if you hustle them or
do or not the motor to put money away from them they couldn’t come back of the head get back in the basement
disappeared you disappeared it’s a matter of very much community
hello I will say that in Chicago in in Milwaukee there was no00:41:55
Fresno fear that the San Francisco a little bit different Day of the Dead live
Memphis Tennessee so much in the dark red to get mange all kind of place is it where you put go
how to give your hair a little bit too in that is it
patrol duty in San Francisco in shore patrol duty
involves not only 44 drill bit also worthy
where they came in from the ship is all in the the bay
has a boat or a landing craft if comes into a new place on00:42:30
on the side of the bed and is a floating thing about a woman
free four feet above the water level so you get out of the border the Atlantic craft what it is from
from this ship this out there bring these guys in for liberty ok so
again the same thing they come back of the ship in the oven
head and a part of the problem of the week
sailors when they got out of there head to speak with room in the back
the back of a truck a pickup truck kind of a thing with more like a dog
picture type thing just remember like Miley vacuum up to the break room
facts of cold and not
human beings anymore anyway I’ll talk to that when you’re on the
shore patrol on the landing craft places were they come into
we had a big long fish hook00:43:40
what up like this like this official motto of water and stuff does it falling in and then
waves in the bank and get quite high so what happens if
little Anna Griffin Cricut are there from the landing craft a slice of Marin still there
definition water and vomiting Univ of the Bible Easter Bunny crafts
whatever the ship was out there number in and then you get the money that you didn’t00:44:15
Ariel cake please take him
best of the Chappelle mad at a guy said that kept me so I never trust
think about
NCAA way and protect them from them themselves as well
anyway I was a little bit of that site issues album00:44:50
alarm on the shore patrol at the marina
greens garden general speaking military prisons
and there was a military presence on let’s go Yerba Buena or go to hell
is one of the islands next to Treasure Island flea goes to Yerba Buena
go out before I get to Treasure Island when you get off of the web
wherever you are on how you got from San Francisco or Oakland anyway this
these Marines had to serve the00:45:25
sentence of any person that escaped so that meant that they didn’t like the sea
is Kate so in Alcatraz Red Cross the way you are
Alcatraz is also known in the bed anyway so just one night
there was an escape I don’t know how many guys got out
what their memories when you get off the train
machine guns ready to shoot you and I
better have a pass because they were looking for the anyway00:46:00
the way then on Camp shoemaker where I was under the ring
bring a prisoner for military to
and they slept intense outside of this is not this is Northern
California this is not cool it was not warm is Kroger cool
who are and they will come up in the morning with baseball bat sign anyone in there
time to get everything is double time
is marine justice or I couldnt read military justice izakaya00:46:35
Kylan oxymoron is not very easy
why should I stood a guard in Briggs on the ship to end
can I get 4 Asians every third day
red water at once a day information every third day
well now the way that you get for a shin is you
if you take the trade through the whole thing and you come back with whatever you got that 40
forget your day and they read water is one cup of listen video00:47:10
dd cups in heaven hands under a heavy one cup of water in one slice of bread
red water to a well that takes the PEP out of a lot of people live to heaven
mischief in their minds on top of that I should say on Saturday
Boston general mustard for everybody inspection
they had to go to captains mast Madrid office in SE ok phone service
AOL overly Vegas fine so much is confined to quarters in oven
reduced in rank in Hollister when will that show there is a certain model00:47:45
motto of love Debbie
there behave yourself family guyzer
so much in terms of schools in Meerut nearest what did you guys want to go
just want to go over on a baby on the way over or shot
when he gets over there what do you do to him
I’m going to shot anyways so you see these are not the kind of guys that you at
a-treat gently old now would you please no no no YouTube00:48:20
LIFR it take that had a top down type of a well anyway short for
carpet roll do it was that I have short stature patrol duty in Hawaii later on
I want to go on to a web based reminder at 2:10
sex not only protecting the sailors from the civilians but also protecting them from
cells in many cases of cold sore foot rolls out of a regular rotation for00:48:55
yes well I was but this damn old
what’s call ADA listed as enlisted men but I was also
I’ve been in for an hour at your hair for 2 years and I was also ranked
right to see what’s up with a bad so you get all kinds of dude
duties of an introvert Robles was one of us
I was also put up a officer of the watch on board ship to ship on Amazon
the gate house on the USS Ajax ar600:49:30
repair ship is 880 feet long and silver every kind of machinery or
or anything at all to fix things so they then fix things
things by whatever in a big lathe machine equipment
anything you need to fix guns in ships in Regenerist
speaking ran even know that the war was over there and without lights
life’s not worth who did fun with your lights on because maybe somebody didn’t get the win
the with is you that the war is over and so anyway so we went in00:50:05
you didn’t have a flashlight and you have little blue lights that ever
every hatchet the hedges are the doors in the hedges don’t go out
what is the floor they go Upper West Side so you’re winning your way
blue light on the ship is pitching and you’re gone
you’re going to like this in the ship look with your trying to make a downer theater
everybody else awake is about 45 what is an buffet formed in F
infant insert places in Michigan board ship so you’re supposed to go00:50:40
the Molly so that part of the job to cheat regularly I said radar watches
Whitney Houston I look at a screen here look at the ranging sex rubbing
under wear with CHX area coverage
Lee Jackson started out well maybe I should back up
sweet sign to you say jacks ok dejected Ben if you lift
Elysian Philippines and had several little bit of damage does it kill coyotes at that time00:51:15
were not worth over the counter causes a car to move it
Debbie said he’d been dry docked well if we were the first part of the comforter come from
call of the ship in the Army like 2000 vintage all kinds of people repair plumbing
Plumbing & Welding universe electronic circuit electronics Coopersburg PA 20th
so we went on a bunch of listen
who is the first ones on the ship after they been fixed after dry dock
IDoc in that night I got sick I 9000:51:50
I know about 250 355
really good because we’re eating
very well no problems at I got on the first night I was sick
I was so sick for the next 3 days like a hard ball over I will win down 200
hundred forty pounds I lost 15 pounds of a 345
back of another state before I do this00:52:25
because I had when I was still at Treasure Island
the fellas it had been on the island and all of the people
people that been out there forever on these islands and coming back for coming back
in the vagina hole where IA 15000 Beals
3 times a day a big long line fishing with a bus 451
vibeline in on Sunday
be read normally a fever in00:53:00
in school we couldn’t stand in line for Child Health Alliance
hit and run Sunday Ticket online with my alarm
lost but when the buffest guys back
activities they put me the headline because he came back and they were yellow from jaundice
what’s the best looking uniforms you ever want to see in your life their shoes rock because jungle rot00:53:35
forms in shoes Kathy things that make sandals on a man
ever ever ever the toughest looking bunch of guys you see them
play 4 hours a day and for breakfast you get steak for lunch at pork chops
roast beef and you had all the ice cream all the fruit off of everything
everything you want why meet in St Charles IL well I found on
140 160 pounds in about 3 months cause we’re getting
exercise as well get little bit late00:54:10
quality mixed up here but anyway so I got a bloodshot eye dog
and I thought that was ever in sick pay for it is anything worth every second wall in
X rated Great Lakes loan with bootcamp the logon
black guy from all kinds of places in Florida in California and Louisiana
pneumonia and Here I am this is a warmest place
leaving a lot
did not even have any problems with any of that stuff is all over at the heck is warm00:54:45
how I love this s*** and we go out to Hawaii and you’re there in the
give me a forever farewell in the D
everything I had some of my head been taken off but the Arizona still there
there is a Japanese weird side of Reddit with Japanese submarine the one that had the
the come onto the island there when they first landed
dead timber 7 lyrics body head to head00:55:20
some reason come into 31 of deadbeats in the state of Florida
play with right there at the submarine base in is lil bit off
authentic but I was interested in
learning something more so they have a fellow Armed Forces Institute what you give
did you just do I learn something so we Denison
they said well okay your group is electronic you should go on the shore in
read it rain water that he’s a train lyrics
you guys don’t have to come to class but he said if you would bring me some of the components
icon sisters in capacitors in you start an idiot to use for this
this class I’ll let you go I’ll find you in at 7:10 o’clock so
for about 2 or 3 weeks we went to
movies with back to the ship sometimes the dark class and get back00:56:30
back before we leave for weed
gang rape and you wit Jay Z
because I stay after the watch Bates Circle so I knew what it was so when I saw him go
hard and they would down into a bunk and I got in there and lay down
like I’ve been there all night looking for guys like me anyway we had
@love fun I do not then that so now I’m on the other s*** and00:57:05
getting ready to go to the Bikini Bottom on sight because
are there about test out how the atom bomb with work on
how much is chips and stuff in the of
ships or we went out there to the metal
in a bikini is not very big
like the bathing suit type of thing is about like that
onboard ship in the board a ship rolls on there in about 35 fetus00:57:40
free board that is from the neck down to the water and on the dick
you could see over the Island of bikini
over and see the other side so that you get an idea that
this is very wide and is very high see the world news site
and around this number all kinds of s*** ships in Winnfield LA
electronic Gearhart kinds of unemployed see how that would respond if your called that 2
to a time up and I also had animals on the ship00:58:15
ships in the animals at worth behind gate
engaged normally have up and down like this like this in the US have a diagonal
12 keep it straight and they had those on board the ship to
determine how it would be the head donkeys and sheep and pigs and goats
and I don’t know what else what they had those anyway it was a run
unfortunate well I was out there for a while and I shouldnt say for how long I don’t know
I don’t know exactly but only matter of a video of a mother so N00:58:50
because I was scheduled to be discharged is Edward in the fertile days
they said ok we will leave you here will send you back to a horse
why because they don’t know how it’s going to turn off I 80 in TV
I would like the all ways to unlock your first visit pass stupid test
I’m a stay in the program learn something in Mesa theater
I didn’t have any new ever had any really harm no carb clean
talking to me at all when they sent me back to a w****00:59:25
Hawaii this time I didn’t know about the promises that work
play drop the bomb turn your back will they turn your back they drop the bomb in splash water
hot water and debris from miles and miles always dies first Denver back turned all content
well I’m back in 10 yeah yeah
yeah yeah so I what
irani coupons for back to Hawaii in
internet I’ve been on board in we talkin all in Marshall Islands are there01:00:00
pic of people all of these islands and I had been on board ship while so I can get seasick
any strip escorts have sex in early but this month
between him and hear this fire within the next guys with VD packed in there
what is new step down here and they would need body in Alabama
iPhone 5
what stop is it ok01:00:35
Padilla father
avoid getting her in the ass but bunk center 6
hi Andrew the bottom in the newspaper is below you
so let us know your returning on the strip ship and continue from there. I return it to get back
back to a beer a sign to Hawaii in a Manhattan
happy cuz I was going to happen either terms of how they find me to
into a radio transmitter station at lualualei and Lulu01:01:10
little lady was on the other side of the island from Wahiawa to see me cry
receiver station so they over the receiver station they would send message
St George West to setup a transmitter that would be transmitted
message to somebody tell them I don’t know how many wrestlers butts litter
doesn’t it doesn’t film the biggest one in this is am
modulated at low frequency it’s only a little fall of curvature
FM frequencies in Civil War line of sight01:01:45
yes I want go past e on horizon from the amplitude modulation
I deleted a AM transmitters were very poor
free powerful is my favorite 7600 foot hours
HurryDate wires that in Tenafly that an F on the
these days everything was in a code grey
rape if you had a higher near iron your clothes it was going
ghetto store McDonough harder than everything with the01:02:20
place where I work Terry a fluorescent bulbs in your
and your hand and we stay lit all the time blinking a little bit it was a cold right there was a
one that we kept at all and all of the light switches
stick to the wall that never went off is it if the fluorescent bulbs stay
speed limit on the amount of are in the air in the
in the area what effect if you could stand in front of the transmitter and goal assist with your fingers into it
arc the month electricity generate is in your arms with market Wayne NJ01:02:55
everyone concerned about this I mean that its effect on your health
worried about sex a man about that I was exposed to
and the radar watches I stood in Alaska is the earth if it did
did I don’t know what it did they bury people do get concerned about older self
free cell phone from a man if I was any faces like a radar is
is the precursor of our microwave and radar beam01:03:30
being that went past 8 Mastiffs to death with peeling paint off that mask
I messed up over time so it looks very very powerful
things in there Deaven work hard for an Audi 2013 your part
a way so when you maintain this transmitter
open the door and walked into the 24 mm is Rebecca this is the forecast
in some cases Heather own individual
cooling system they had I may be a jacket about 40 feet long01:04:05
the captive cool because the amount of heat that generates so much
when im Heather own water jacket to Kula in any way
we as good as ours on I 80
radars off at 8 on your first fertile days and had a third day off Sawyer
constantly changing your sleeping and eating habits completed
this is in the cast in southwest corner of Southeast
southeast corner of Oahu in01:04:40
the whole thing was a Elizabeth radio base
so it was not there is no civilians are in
and so we went down to the beach and in
other day off and we had slippers New England that Indian girl out there with the Stars
sparkling goes well as well as some days of a serf was higher than the last
in the for this predict your day and I remember very well the surface coming out
lot more than usual and the beach was not a nice poop01:05:15
Sleeping Beauty was a quite speak so it went from here to maybe 20
2033 hi in more than sex
most with clit estate beach and an N Out in the
ocean is a coral coral was very shy
sharpen all is well I had paddle around out there in the wrist
I was out there I’m by myself in right next to this speech was
CESA was called blow Holzer rock formations in which the wave01:05:50
break ins in a suit 2030 feet near through a hole in the desert
wave comes in and so that’s a dangerous and so I’m out there at Penrith
power of 10 can get tired I’ll come back in like him back in in the wave
take me up and then because the waves hit you at your knees level
take me back down and Romeo middle back down under the car
so you’re getting arm jerk it for me
sweet I find yellow parrot AR Drone diner01:06:25
diner did anyway I went out into the ocean first look all over then came back
back in the find it made it back in that suppose I’d come to have any
anyway so now I’m stationed at lualualei and we go into
when to enroll into the places in the middle of pineapple place in pineapple Grove
the road is here in 2 feet over it
pineapples so what’s the wild feathers with hex accidentally daca pineapple office01:07:00
wake me up at 12 the pineapple Gordon very dim view events order
so you had to cut careful I lived in a at barracks cover
very very nice thing because we’re all honor our own so to speak we had to be
had to be there at the station all the time
and I describe the weather was done because
as a women get a message from the White Wolf based
who did this you have the key in a message to some kind to know
set up a transmitter you need to set up a whole series think it’s a complicated procedure
and then you keep an ETA signal in sending signals is going out
doTERRA today I send out 10,000,000 beast
I said I got these cheeseburgers okay so now that im
im my time is up they said okay your back to vase01:08:10
base a back to where you got inducted or in in
enlisted and this is in Minneapolis so I go back to Treasure Island
an arrogant son in grown ups train go back to a map of Saint Paul
St Paul and I’m a Sunday morning Becca flovin
there’s a putter Little River Maryland getting discharge they give you physical make sure he like me
something back into civilian life and I get your reasonable faith North
backflip and then they do01:08:45
for our last muster and on Sunday morning 1100
selens all up in this truck so I said okay you are discharged
your reassigned because he ever get little bit worried about the Korean War
feliz ano curious finding your your discharge if you resign
they re signs before 7 in one 4000 district
I’m one of those that got their start on a loan mid mid lucky again I think I didn’t01:09:20
I didn’t have any problems anyplace Novation the problem then get on
get on a streetcar go to the bus depot and a
the cafeteria there and I’m not used to
realtor license and I have to admit the dead
these girls start of looking pretty good in the girls looking at me I don’t like
what this year I’m a sailor clip there’s something something about sailor
my wife says I really was she says your a little boy01:09:55
1230 pounds I can have all the fun
552 any way so anyway I get on the bus in St Cloud
cut at 65 miles from Minneapolis St Paul eye
Mike from Saint Cloud to Fort Lee which is another 15 miles over is a Sunday
in in walkthrough tune up Miles in full at home and walk into the house at homeland
so good to see you home and I know you were coming I know
haha that’s a funny thing about this now I never called home once I wrote letters01:10:30
often is there a little thing to read later office I sent
set down to in archives in Forest Acres FL by name before
archives of all that kind of stuff so I said that and I said that’s fine
set slide rules that I need to down there in a
well I’m on that syrup they are read the letters over 50 years later some head
my dad never said because my wife I’m gonna my mother I should say my mother kept01:11:05
Tipton and then when my mother died my sister with in the boxes in Sacto here
still hear some stuff from from Phil from when he was in the service sales to shut down to me so I read
do I read a 50 year later and faith tone in there
there was even though I was not in the nearest Wisconsin lyrics ring them between the line
the line for the Rings alright with my father had been really bad situation
and so I was introduced to everything if I even know it
did wasn’t going that will I have a daughter that would be asked her how to do in school fight01:11:40
well I go to sleep I will say that all I would find with
think we’re going to bail and ever did say anything about bad as always
can i reshape this is is a funny reading the fitness test
I can’t remember the feeling that I had when I was doing this I
I walk in and I turn on headset Burnsville NC back
because my father have fax machine at you without special so I was out there and that was in
pitchfork go to work
things that you missed before the night that was going to say the side from
from the Mikes. Since that time
time I have been a live in England for a year live in Germany for a year of end of watch
Hawaii been to a number of places in one of the New England win today01:12:50
military cemetery Cambridge and then Blue Ranger
Germany we went to the World Series won in Fahrenheit
and then it is American military cemeteries and then there what atmospheric or bi Mart Groton
and then there’s one in a while who ha ha hello
and if you’ve never been to a military cemetery it should
should be done and is very good to do list
what are things that impress me as much as it is to a woman Arnheim01:13:25
behind than one at a time Margaret Ann Margret Detroit the intersection of
Holland Belgium Luxembourg in French
anyway is it real big Big Tex trailers 8000
1000 prices so there’s a lot of people anyway
is it Memorial in there’s a wall like this like this free site
resided in his butt 20 feet tall is in tile install shows at the bat
the battle house within the last Thursday in Ennis open on your side Anthony Rizzo01:14:00
cemeteries self and that’s all there is to it that predict your day that we were there
there were hundred people live in America
Sarah from every place else in a place to sign in
anything that has mass and volume is
the Greek ring theme in there was we are eternally grateful to the Americans
Atkins for what they did to help us this is written by the French alphabet
what is in a Dutch what really impressive was its all young people01:14:35
20 years old and service they still they have it when we were
we were in that we had 3 boys with us when we were in in Germany we stop data
got a little place near our night and have a fun in bed
bed board not so I thought it was okay with stairs
images for Dean we just don’t have any reservations to go there and we see a sign
is there an NSAID you have room this Saturday night he said no
we don’t operate as a Native Americans I said yes can hide your01:15:10
so anyway he said I just met and I really had to
23 rooms in their new info speak is it just me and he said what
chocolate whites okay we’ll fix it so we stop there with you to put it up
stairs in a half hour if we been there say what I can take them down
second ounce in a fetis and I talk to us
and he said that about something about them
any said when the Americans01:15:45
Perkins came in a foot cemeteries day when did Orihime to hire
people to maintain a cemetery cuz realtors in maintaining very
very well anyway say wouldn’t die
what color will maintain a cemetery but we will not work for you Wii
we will Lincoln cemetery free forever listen
in a Italy will I think it is beyond
underside of Italy this bronze plaques and replace it with says we return01:16:20
currently grateful to the Americans for free is from aquifers is so
there’s a little bit different no we were in Germany
Germany we had a German car and we had a private German look at clothes when I drove through France
France statues were written in the in French
wash my birthday Yugoslavia other still sign
Twitter Nick the common germs not welcome
insulin like that so there’s none of that in Holland you were an automatic01:16:55
automatically good because you’re American Inn
Denmark you’re automatically good because you’re American and so we lived in German
did Germany win the Iron Curtain was up so we had some experience with that little bit too
and some with me Soho that was in that time
what time they’re 50 thousand American hockey players in Germany in
can we play racquetball in your courts
quarts does a filter head racquetball courts in the wilderness01:17:30
so and had some experience with that for the day after and 5s
told more than I needed to begin with you have questions or whatever,
where can I get try to answer iPic you’ve been very sore
free throw me if you’ve heard this on ice chance the fish house
how you felt as you look back on this and happy after math when you’re going to have a chance
chance to visit some of these countries affected by the war years later
do you have in a concluding thoughts about your your experiences and those of your account01:18:05
workaholics oh yes its people can look back on it now you don’t
2014 once a week should I drop those bombs on Japan because you’re ready
the first mom could a quick but they didn’t in inter Express in Spanish
Spirit of the West Coast when there’s always guys were getting ready to go out I was one of us Skype
defected drop those tiny worms and stop the war by killing a bunch of
Brazilians whatever else happens does it snow in a can01:18:40
Ken Burns think they also showed there was no civilians in whatever
Dresden a bomb Dresden I don’t know if I can do that it from Tokyo to bomb Dresden in Tokyo
chocolate bowls with fireball shot and killed as many people were killed with atomic bomb
that predict your thing I don’t I don’t bring my hands are affected to remember people
people killed at 530 is better than me and I was 10
I was one of those that was scheduled to be one of those guys I was going to go there and do this
expecting a million casualties on city way around it because they died today01:19:15
add to the last one on a lease I lose everyone I love I saw one Japanese POWs
who was the guy that got stranded in this thing is wonderful
basseri was the whip in Tustin ice on 107 of German POWs
sontreasure Island is that they are so store it on them
they were they be captured in the North Africa and they were had been
I’ve been pretty elite type of a guy and they work in the chow hall
holes in the work in the ship services work in the laundry in this area01:19:50
areas in a fixed up and cleaned up and someone is because they’re stuck on Treasure Island
still going on so they didn’t send it back yet anyway
so they would go to work at night usually in March
arch in the air here’s a difference between Mary
Americas Best Inn in somebody else here’s some old sailor was exciting ovaries are in 1
once a little but for 500 German POWs in GermanyPerfect match perfectly Presley die
and they did perfectly OK and assault when we were
WeWood March 4th of March to class in the group Sylva
40 Sackett Ave Depew sports in the first guys might be in love
what might be steppin one or two guys like being stepper in line for the restaurant just got him we’re walking
walking to class escort mccurdy and the earth did the other long enough to speak English well
get the step step get lined up with a yeah
get up I got you I look at you01:21:00
when we were in Germany
we went to a birthday of a little village under
Honduras list for 50 60 years old
what is a birthday in the particular place we went to the barn in the house
the house and all that was all the states 1001 in a courtyard in the middle
who made the birthday party in there so we went through it was like in person
Americas you show up and they host for the one who lives there01:21:35
came up and he was and he said old Americans
Roosevelt primo number one hit
he’s a big man I guess one Roosevelt I was a guest on Roosevelt
is a prisoner of war who said
so anyway a well in the area where I grew up there’s a lot of traffic
how to cook carne carrots onions and potatoes in a lot of my father salt potatoes01:22:10
potatoes by the car loan to places that sell anyway
Anjali had a lot of German and Italian POWs there that looked out after the the
the end there was nobody walks in Vegas
there’s a lot of people that had a good impressions of that
another type of scientist topic a little bit on religion
I belong to the Cambridge club which is the most people have spent a year01:22:45
you are so at Cambridge University in England consisted of all the people
people that had got there degrees of Cambridge well I was at a meeting in Munich in
in a bottle ne 72 and there were there was a meeting of the Kings
but there is a MC Chang gay for China
major Smith from Germany Solomon hungry there is another one from the same place
someplace else. Anyway we went to one of these on a sellers
end of started out things in Ebonics and then there01:23:20
and then there was telling stories Mackenzie tall guys have been associated Cambridge
and they were all old enough to date had been experienced in the Second World War
and a king was a Chinese and he
was in Cambridge and he came to United States
and they wouldn’t do anything with him at the kids have Chinese food when sending back to China
Chinese ringing in head teen thressome has changed
Nickelback David kill so the captain Hiram’s mistakes so he told true stories about think01:23:55
major Smith was a more interesting when is Salman Solomon major Smith head
headband at Cambridge and he had been interested in racing horses in Central Standard Time
time at Newmarket which is a racehorse capital is one it was a prisoner got no no no
what he was a suit ohmygod shoot location of backup
Backup Assistant that can cause you to be so he
then a was a screw gun
out of school in Cambridge England to Germany01:24:30
anything to Argentina because he was 50 in the heat
antibiotic over 30 or 40 others or physician’s in bank
bakers at every kind of educated in Argentina
how to set up a have a German out outpost soda
SodaStream ad okay I’ll back off when I turn it
a fellow in Connecticut
captured a young German n01:25:05
the young Germans spoke English and he said where you from
8000 cricketown words that start with I know the highway
Twitter he had know everything about that this young fella had been
already trained to be a occupier of this town in Connecticut
even when he was only about 40 or 50
okay anyway 1211 telnet
when we were in Germany German war01:25:40
war cemeteries to Metro Center military cemetery NJ
jerk of in Ireland of German German
Milton cemetery in Ireland because Ireland was so opposed
pose to Britain that they Harvard German people that if they
if they if they’re playing with down go to Ireland the land of Phillip Phillips
opposed to the temperature supposed to be a British that they would favor
paper the web in a to there’s a German01:26:15
German military cemetery in Ireland with life is it anyway
back to US Marines it was a town that has a small dick
barber small town and there was a number of children
Rick Ross is in there and because they were the last part of the German
I think it over the ages of the people online
how many horses were 14 15
peanut the most innocent on the 13 and then they started episode 5301:26:50
there’s no inbetween down to only the very very young to the very very
Old Norse word crosses were still in the military
Family Guy fa trailer
going to finish the Argentine he continue ok
Arnold get down there with you also they think they got together Argentina
what kind of neutral but the Neutrality Act only Tuesday about 3
about 3 mile limit right out there still fancy01:27:25
we got all these guys so they get together and they buy a ship
Fife and they are fed up and they practiced in the three mile live
limit of of a running it up death of a notice if its a British destroyer
destroyer that runs up and down the outside kind of patrols at the seats to that they don’t get into trouble
trouble inside that so they have is the Houston physicians
we had a flight cost shirts on with
fun with cufflinks and we’re taking gods of Greece and stick it in the gears to make the Superbowl odds01:28:00
hey what is a good practice practice with time that
destroyer everytime with vines with practice cricket 3 get out we’re going to go back to
back to Germany and helped Germany right okay so they give to him
see the destroyer go down in time until they get out
fun facts about stop and they had one guy that spoke Dutch
Dutch and spoke Russian is a Lisa okay to wear at a Dutch01:28:35
semaphore signals does the British destroyers
we know who you are and who is on board dont give a s***
what you up to you can