217 Today: How does Illinois compare to other states on transgender rights?

Iggy Ladden, a co-founder of Chicago Therapy Collective, stands in front of a mural in Andersonville honoring Elise Malary, a transgender activist who went missing and was found dead in Lake Michigan last year. Pat Nabong/Chicago Sun-Times
Monday, November 13, 2023
Today's headlines:
- Illinois lawmakers have approved a measure to give the people who transport cannabis from growers to sellers some breathing room.
- New laws passed this year in Illinois have enhanced the state's status as a leader in protecting trans rights.
- The Fighting Illini football team defeated the Indiana Hoosiers Saturday in overtime, 48-to-45.
In today's deep dive, we’ll hear from those on the front lines of the fight for trans rights in our series “Flights and Freedoms.”
Reporting today contributed by Alex Degman, Emily Hays, Colin Hislope and Kimberly Schofield.