How Racism Affects The Health Of Black Youth; Forgotten Desserts

Naomi Wadler, 11, a student at George Mason Elementary School, who organized a school walkout at her school in Alexandria, Va., after the school shooting in Parkland, Fa., speaks during the "March for Our Lives" rally in support of gun control in Washington, Saturday, March 24, 2018. Andrew Harnik/AP
On this encore edition of The 21st: We revisit our conversation with Professor Enrique Neblett about how racism affects the mental and physical health of Black youth. Plus, we also talk about some of our beloved classic dessert recipes before the advent of the refrigerator.
What effect does racial discrimination have on the mental and physical health of African American youth? How do we protect ourselves mentally against racism?
Those two questions are what motivate Professor Enrique Neblett, Jr. He’s an associate professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at UNC-Chapel Hill, where he also is the lab director of The African American Youth Wellness Laboratory.
Even as Black Americans get richer, their health outcomes remain poor
— The 21st (@21stShow) March 26, 2018
- writes @amrothom @PacificStand
of @DrNeblett’s research on race, stress & health
Plus --
There’s always a new food trend, right? And with the way everyone blogs, Instagrams or posts to Pinterest, it’s easy sometimes to forget the classics.
Those classic recipes can be a way to remember our family, our friends and even our roots. That’s what Niki Davis is a believer in this philosophy. She writes 'The Taste' column for The Southern newspaper and has has her own website called Rooted in Food. Niki also teaches Hospitality and Tourism Administration at Southern Illinois University, and she joined us from Carbondale to share some Illinois classics.
Have you heard of Raisin Pie?
— The 21st (@21stShow) August 13, 2018
Or perhaps you know it as "Funeral Pie." It was for more than just sad occasions in Niki's family, and goes back to her German roots. @RootedInFoods @TalkingTourism @SIUC @thesouthern