The 21st Show

Parker Palmer On Getting Old; Endangered Places In Illinois


Parker Palmer

On the 21st: Parker Palmer joined us to discuss his latest book about looking at age as something entirely different, called "On the Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity & Getting Old."  Plus, you’re probably aware of endangered species, but what about endangered places, specifically in Illinois?

Parker Palmer writes about many of the big things in life: from our vocations to civic discourse. He’s a community organizer and founder of the Center for Courage and Renewal. At the heart of everything, though, he’s an educator. And his latest book is meant to teach us a different way about how we think about aging.

The collection of essays is called On the Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity & Getting Old.



Landmark Illinois has just released its annual list of the historic places in Illinois that are most at risk of the 3 D’s. That’d be demolition, deterioration or development.

Making this year’s list is the Thompson Center in Chicago, an example of postmodern architecture that might be demoed by its owner — the state of Illinois. And the Coliseum at Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield and Du Quoin, which may need over 180 million dollars to repair.

We were joined by Frank Butterfield to talk about other endangered places. Frank is the director of Landmark Illinois in its Springfield Office. Robert A. Galas Jr. and Rev. Dr. Sterrett J. Collins also joined us.

Story source: WILL
