Sen. Duckworth On Iran; Redefining Burnout; Summer Movie Recommendations

Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
Just one week ago, the U.S. was on the brink of an armed conflict with Iran. And tensions are still high. Today, we talk about our country's relationship with Iran with Sen. Tammy Duckworth. Plus, what’s the difference between feeling stressed and experiencing burnout, and how can understanding that difference help challenge stigma around mental health? And halfway through 2019, we’re talking about the best movies so far this year while also looking forward to what’s coming this summer.
Last week President Trump approved a military strike on Iran after they shot down a US surveillance drone. The US said the drone was in international waters, while Iran said the drone was in their airspace.
According to The New York Times, American planes and ships were already in position for an attack last Thursday. But then the president pulled back and avoided armed conflict with Iran, for now.
Tensions between the US and Iran have been increasing for a while. It’s been more than a year since the Trump administration pulled out from the Iran nuclear deal. There have been more sanctions. And for the last few weeks, Trump administration officials have blamed Iranian forces for a series of attacks - first on oil tankers, and then on a US drone.
Yesterday, Senator Tammy Duckworth delivered an impassioned speech on the Senate floor about the Trump administration’s stance on Iran. And she said it's long past time for Congress to assert its legal authority when it comes to matters of war.
Sen. Duckworth joined us to discuss the Iran situation and the need for Congressional oversight.
"We've been at war now for 17 years," @SenDuckworth says. "This is new territory for us. Frankly, our military is stretched thin. I have friends right now who have done eight deployments... none of that was imagined when we passed that first authorization."
— The 21st (@21stShow) June 27, 2019
Many of us have experienced a feeling of being burnt out. A long week at work or at home can leave us feeling exhausted, both physically and emotionally. But when does everyday stress turn into something more serious?
Now, the World Health Organization has changed and clarified the definition of burnout and separated it from other stress syndromes. Researchers hope the change will bring more awareness and more options for treatment.
Samantha Coleman is a professor in industrial and organizational psychology at Adler University in Chicago.
Dr. Samantha Coleman of @AdlerUniversity shares with us her tips of dealing with burnout.
— The 21st (@21stShow) June 27, 2019
We’re already halfway through 2019, so we thought we’d look at some of the best movies from earlier this year. And what better time to do that than in the first official week of summer, especially as next week typically kicks off the blockbuster summer movie season!
Katie Rife recently wrote about some of her favorite movies for the A.V. Club, where she’s an editor.
.@futureschlock says summer movie season this year began in April with #AvengersEndgame. For that reason, movies like #Booksmart haven't done as well in the box office.
— The 21st (@21stShow) June 27, 2019
With blockbuster movies like #toystory4 "We're taking up a lot of the pop culture oxygen at this time."