Student Journalists From Parkland; Sexual Assault Training For Nurses; IL’s First State Constitution

Niala Boodhoo/Illinois Public Media
On The 21st: We discuss a new law that requires Illinois hospitals have nurses trained to treat rape victims. And, 200 years ago, Illinois ratified its first state constitution. We talk about what Illinoisans are doing to celebrate. But first, we speak with student journalists from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
Today’s the first day of college classes for two students who survived the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
Niala met Christy Ma and Nikhita Nookala - who were seniors when the shooting happened - earlier this month at the Asian American Journalists Association. At AAJA's annual convention in Houston, Niala spoke with them on stage at the convention's annual awards dinner.
At @aaja I had a chance to speak with @christywma & @nikta04 - so glad to share that conversation with @21stShow audience today! #aaja18 #msdstrong #journalismmatters Listen live at 11 CT:
— Niala (@NialaBoodhoo) August 22, 2018
Every year in Illinois, thousands of people go to the emergency room seeking treatment and care after being sexually assaulted.
But it turns out the vast majority of patients wind up in situations where the person treating them doesn’t have the right training.
According to reporting by the Chicago Tribune earlier this year, only 32 registered nurses out of nearly 200,000 in the state were certified to work with adult patients.
Since then, Governor Rauner and state lawmakers have created a new law that requires hospitals to provide that training - and, gives them a legal deadline to comply.
Alison Bowen is a features reporter with the Chicago Tribune. She reported on this earlier in the year and she’s joined us on the line.
We also spoke with two nurses in central Illinois. who do have SANE training. Tegan Stynoski is the sexual assault and domestic violence coordinator at Carle Foundation hospital in Urbana. Stefanie Clarke is the sexual assault nurse examiner at OSF’s Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria.
We're with @byalisonbowen NOW talking more about a new law mandating better training for nurses to help patients after a sexual assault. Check out this thread below for more of her reporting.
— The 21st (@21stShow) August 22, 2018
On August 26, 1818, Illinois ratified its first state constitution. This weekend there will be lots of festivities to mark the occasion - including special birthday cheesecake for Illinois.
But, we also wanted to take a look back at our first constitution - who created it - and what it contained. To do that we were joined by our state historian - Sam Wheeler.
We also spoke with Eli's Cheesecake Owner Marc Shulman about the thousands of cheesecakes his company is making for the state's bicentennial plans.
How do you get a 300 lb. custom Illinois bicentennial cheese cake to Springfield from Chicago?
— The 21st (@21stShow) August 22, 2018
"Very carefully," says @ElisCheesecake owner Mark Shulman.