The 21st Show

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Illinois State University

Illinois State University David Wilson

Last spring, students left campus early to stop the spread of the coronavirus and the semester was cut short - students and teachers began learning virtually, dorm rooms were closed, and graduation ceremonies were put on hold. While each plan is slightly different, now universities like Illinois State, NIU and the University of Illinois are releasing plans to bring students back to the classroom in the fall. Some professors have expressed concerns about teaching in-person again, and what happens if there’s a second wave of the virus? Others feel confident in their universities' plans to re-open. 

The 21st spoke with a panel about the benefits and risks of face-to-face classes. 


Stacy Otto, Professor of Social Foundations of Education and Qualitative Inquiry, Illinois State University 

Mark Peecher, Associate Dean of Faculty, University of Illinois, Gies College of Business

Nick Burbules, Gutsell Professor of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership, University of Illinois

Dennis Austin, Student, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 
