Best of: Jonathan Alter on the life and career of Pres. Jimmy Carter

In "His Very Best," Jonathan Alter explore the flaws and successes of America's 39th president.
In the more than 40 years since he left The White House, many have assessed Jimmy Carter’s presidency as a failure while calling him the country’s best ex-president.
The 21st spoke with the author of the first full-length independent biography of the 39th president, political journalist Jonathan Alter, about a president he described as the “un-Trump” and “perhaps the most misunderstood President.”
This segment originally aired Oct. 21, 2020.
Jonathan Alter
Author, His Very Best: Jimmy Carter, A Life | MSNBC analyst | Daily Beast columnist | Co-host of Sirius XM's Alter Family Politics
Prepared for web by Zainab Qureshi and Owen Henderson
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