The 21st Show

Dakota Access Pipeline Faces Legal Challenge In Illinois

The Dakota Access Pipeline is one of several major pipelines running through south-central Illinois to the oil terminal hub in Patoka.

The Dakota Access Pipeline is one of several major pipelines running through south-central Illinois to the oil terminal hub in Patoka. Lecia Bushak/Illinois Newsroom

It’s been four years since the protests began in Standing Rock Indian Reservation over the Dakota Access Pipeline. Many of us tend to associate the pipeline with those protests at Standing Rock, but the pipeline travels through several states, including right here in Illinois. And Illinois is the only state challenging a proposal that would lead to a million barrels of oil flowing through the pipeline everyday. 

To talk more about the proposal, The 21st is joined by a climate and environment reporter from Illinois Newsroom and an attorney representing environement groups. 


Lecia Bushak, multimedia environmental journalist, Illinois Newsroom 

John D. Albers, Attorney representing environmental groups, Shay Law, Ltd.


Prepared for web by Zainab Qureshi

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