The 21st Show

David Maraniss’ Pulitzer-winning stories


Photo of David Maraniss from his Facebook page

Joining us on the 21st Show today is David Maraniss. He has won two Pulitzer Prizes throughout his reporting career, one for his biographical stories during Bill Clinton’s first presidential campaign, and the other as part of the team that covered the shooting rampage at Virginia Tech in 2007.

Maraniss' nonfiction books cover different subjects such as Al Gore, Barack Obama, the Vietnam War, the Red Scare, and more. His latest entry is “Path Lit by Lightning,” about the great Native American athlete Jim Thorpe.

He is also here at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to kick off the Sporting Publics conference at 7:30 p.m. in the Alice Campbell Alumni Center. He'll discuss the way athletes help bring important conversations to light.


David Maraniss

Author • Associate editor, The Washington Post

Washington Post - September 11, 2001; Steve Miller Ate a Scone, Sheila Moody Did Paperwork, Edmund Glazer Boarded a Plane: Portrait of a Day That Began in Routine and Ended in Ashes

