Deer Hunting in Springfield

White-tailed deer on the campus of Lincoln Land Community College, near one of the hunting areas in Springfield. Brian Mackey/Illinois Public Media
Some people think of beautiful wild animals, but if you’re a farmer or you have to drive in an area with a lot of deer, you might have a more negative perception. Springfield is allowing bow hunters to help reduce the population within city limits in an effort to cull a population officials say has grown too large. We talked to Illinois Department of Natural Resources representatives and the supervisor of Land and Water Resources from Springfield's City Water Light & Power about why the city is doing this and what the potential consequences are.
Tammy Miller
Illinois Recreational Access Program (IRAP) coordinator, Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Dan Skinner
Forest Wildlife Program manager, Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Dan Brill
Supervisor of Land & Water Resources, City Water Light & Power (Springfield)
How to Solve America’s Wild Deer Problem? Eat Them - WSJ
— Gary Rosen (@garyrosenWSJ) July 9, 2021
Prepared for web by Owen Henderson
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