Economy, tariffs, and agriculture: How it’s all interconnected

Agricultural policies could be affected by the results of next month's elections as Republicans in particular want to make sweeping changes to some of the safety nets and other regulations currently in place. AP Photo/Seth Perlman
With voting for the 2024 election already underway in most of the country, the economy is one of the top issues concerning Illinoisans as well the rest of the country. When the Pew Research Center asked registered voters about their top issues a couple months ago, roughly eight in ten said it was "very important" to their decision.
On today's program, a panel of economists weigh in on tariff proposals in this year's election, and the effects they could have on our economy, especially with regard to agriculture.
Bonnie Wilson
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Chaifetz School of Business, Saint Louis University
Krista Swanson
Lead Economist, National Corn Growers Association; Farmer, Knox County
Jonathan Coppess
Associate Professor in Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Director, Gardner Agriculture Policy Program