The 21st Show

High school podcast chronicles Illinoisans who escaped former Soviet Union and other Eastern Bloc countries

The Brandenburg Gate, with the Berlin Wall in the foreground, is seen from West Berlin, Dec. 21, 1989.

The Brandenburg Gate, with the Berlin Wall in the foreground, is seen from West Berlin, Dec. 21, 1989. AP Photo/Lutz Schmidt

Over the Wall: Remembering Life Behind the Iron Curtain is a two-part podcast series that captures the voices of Central Illinois community members with ties to the former Soviet Union and other Eastern Bloc countries. It was produced and hosted by students at the University Laboratory High School (Uni High) at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. Through their interviews, the students learned about daily life under communism and Cold War fears.


Diza Baryshnikov 
Junior, student producer
Krishna Jaswal
Sophomore, student producer

Melissa Schoeplein
Advanced teaching associate, social studies,  Uni High School Oral History Project