The 21st Show

Not All Hispanic Voters Are Alike


Illinois has 2.2 million people who identify as Hispanic, that’s 17% of the state’s population.  And while Illinois is very safely Blue this Presidential election, both parties and Presidential campaigns are jockeying hard in battleground states to win the Hispanic vote. 

The 21st is joined by a senior editor and researcher at Pew Research and CEO of the Latino Policy Forum, a non-partisan Latino public policy and advocacy organization in Illinois to discuss the issues that Hispanic voters say are important to them, and how Hispanic voters are not a monolithic voting bloc in the electorate.


Jens Manuel Krogstad, denior editor and researcher at Pew Research and co-writer of the recent study "Hispanic voters say economy, health care and COVID-19 are top issues in 2020 presidential election.”

Sylvia Puente, President and CEO of the Latino Policy Forum, a non-partisan Latino public policy and advocacy organization in Illinois


Prepared for web by Zainab Qureshi

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