How Racism Hurts Black Mental Health & How You Can Help

Helen Neville, professor of Educational Psychology and African American Studies University of Illinois College of Education
In the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer, phrases like “institutional” and “systemic racism” have been circulating across social media but not everyone is familiar with these terms. As the conversation about racial justice continues in the U.S. and all around the world, many are seeking to educate themselves further on the issue.
Helen Neville, professor of Educational Psychology and African American Studies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, joins The 21st to explain these concepts, racism as a public health crisis and diversity issues related to well-being.
“Folks who have a higher level of color-blind racism have less empathy for people of color, they are less impacted by our pain and they are able to tolerate our suffering," says Neville.