The 21st Show

Ransomware Threats in IL


AP Photo/Jenny Kane

In the past year, several Illinois organizations have been compromised by ransomware groups, which often demand payment in cryptocurrency under threat of compromising services or leaking sensitive data.

To discuss the proliferation of ransomware attacks in Illinois, The 21st was joined by the CEO of a cyber reconnaissaince company, a reporter covering cybersecurity and Chair of the Department of Information Technology and Management at the Illinois Institute of Technology.


AJ Vicens, Reporter for Mother Jones covering cybersecurity, with recent reporting on the proliferation of ransomware attacks in the U.S

Kurtis Minder, CEO and co-founder of GroupSense, a cyber reconnaissance and digital risk company, the subject of the recent The New Yorker profile piece, "How to Negotiate With Ransomware Hackers.”

Calvin Nobles, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Information Technology and Management at the Illinois Institute of Technology. He has previously worked as a Cryptologic Warfare Officer for the United States Navy and as a cybersecurity professional for Wells Fargo


Prepared for web by Zainab Qureshi

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