The 21st Show

Israel, BDS, Genocide & International Law

A photo of the pro-Palestinian encampment at UIUC near the Alma Mater, side-by-side with a photo of a Jewish Pride event at the same location, days later.

A photo of the pro-Palestinian encampment at UIUC near the Alma Mater, side-by-side with a photo of a Jewish Pride event at the same location, days later. Reginald Hardwick and Mae Antar

We’re taking a deep dive into the accusations that Israel has committed genocide and war crimes in Gaza, and what they actually mean, how they're are being investigated, and what it would take to prove them. We’ll also talk about calls for divestment from Israel and what Illinois law has to say about it.


Lesley Wexler

Professor, University of Illinois College of Law, The Program in Jewish Culture & Society
