The 21st Show

Math Shows The Pandemic Is Far From Over


As of June 10, there are 129,837 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Illinois. While the number of cases in the state has peaked, they are still on the rise in other parts of the country. Illinois is on track to enter Phase 4 of the plan to reopen the state later this month, according to Governor  J.B. Pritzker, but some experts urge caution. 

Olcay Akman, professor of mathematics at Illinois State University and director of the Center for Collaborative Studies in Mathematical Biology, joins The 21st to speak about the role mathematics plays in tracking the coronavirus and how this pandemic is different than other viruses.

"The problem is after easing restrictions, new spikes will occur," says Akman. "Based on what we know so far, it is not safe to abandon these restrictions."


Olcay Akman, professor and biomathematics expert, Illinois State University