The 21st Show

New book takes readers on a day-by-day tour of Chicago history


"Every Goddamn Day" by Neil Steinberg provides 366 moments of Chicago's history, including historical characters from Oscar Wilde to Muhammad Ali to Teddy Roosevelt.

Chicago Sun-Times columnist Neil Steinberg explores a year's worth of memorable events and cultural moments from throughout Chicago's history, starting with Jan. 1 and diving into different aspects of the city's story for every day of the year until Dec. 31. 

He joined The 21st to discuss some memorable moments of the Windy City's history, his writing process, and more.


Neil Steinberg

Author, Every Goddamn Day: A Highly Selective, Definitely Opinionated, and Alternatingly Humorous and Heartbreaking Historical Tour of Chicago | Columnist, Chicago Sun-Times



Prepared for web by Owen Henderson

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