The 21st Show

New podcast explores agriculture and climate change

Hot Farm, the new podcast from  Food and Environment Reporting Network, dives into the ways climate change is affecting the agriculture industry and the food that makes it to our tables.

Hot Farm, the new podcast from Food and Environment Reporting Network, dives into the ways climate change is affecting the agriculture industry and the food that makes it to our tables.

The agriculture industry looms large in Illinois. And, increasingly, farmers here are dealing with increasing temperatures and moisture. The United Nations recently released a report on climate change that showed that agriculture will be among the hardest-hit industries worldwide, and is also one of the top contributors to climate change. 

Those facts lay the foundation for Hot Farm – a new podcast from the Food and Environment Reporting Network. The podcast centers on the Midwest, and many of the farmers it features are based right here in Illinois.

To talk about the show and the ways in which agriculture, food, and climate change are interconnected, guest host Dana Cronin was joined by the podcast's host. Dana also reported one of the episodes for the podcast.


Eve Abrams

Host of Hot Farm



Prepared for web by Owen Henderson

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