The 21st Show

The Politics of Voting By Mail


Election season is here, and with COVID-19, more people than ever are expected to vote by mail. The 21st gets a bipartisan perspective on the issue from one of the top Democratic operatives in the state and the chairman of Vote Yes for Fairness and a Republican state representative who threw his own vote-by-mail campaign together in the closing weeks of the last election, eking out a win by just one point. 


State Rep. Mark Batinick, R-Plainfield (Defeated Mica Freeman in 2018 by 590 votes out of more than 44-thousand cast — 1.32 percentage points.)

Quentin Fulks, Chairman, Vote Yes for Fairness and Deputy campaign manager, J.B. Pritzker’s 2018 campaign for governor


Prepared for web by Zainab Qureshi

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