“Prisoncast” connects incarcerated Illinoisans and their families

Security fences surround the Illinois Department of Corrections' Logan Correctional Center in Lincoln, Ill. AP Photo/Seth Perlman
Illinois prisons can be dire for inmates, With more than $2.5 billion in deferred maintenance, problems such as sewage backups, mold and a lack of human connection are more likely to be left unaddressed. On Sunday, September 17, public radio stations across Illinois will air WBEZ Chicago’s “Prisoncast,” a special program interviewing the incarcerated about what it's like in Illinois prisons. Families of the incarcerated can dedicate songs and messages to their loved ones on the inside.
We are joined by WBEZ journalists to hear more about the program.
Alex “Al” Keefe
Engagement editor • WBEZ-FM, Chicago Public Radio
Ayana Contreras
Host, “Prisoncast” • WBEZ-FM, Chicago Public Radio
Content Director • Vocalo Radio
Formerly incarcerated