What Does Prom Look Like During A Pandemic?

courtesy Josie Carmien
For high school seniors, springtime usually means certain rites of passage. Prom and graduation come to mind, but also smaller things like senior ditch day or hearing the bell ring on the last day of high school.
The coronavirus crisis and resulting stay-at-home order mean more than just postponed and cancelled school functions like prom. For seniors it's also meant navigating challenges with e-learning, and being apart from friends who might soon be moving away.
We hear from Liz Kores, who sits on the board of directors for The Glass Slipper Project. For more than two decades, the Chicago based non-profit has collected and donated new and gently used dresses, shoes, and accessories to prom-goers at no cost.
We're also joined by high school seniors Roxana Morales of Burbank, of Reavis High, and Josie Carmien of Champaign, of St. Thomas Moore.