The 21st Show

Reporter Roundtable: Protests Around Illinois

Black Lives Matter marchers in Champaign on June 6, 2020.

Black Lives Matter marchers in Champaign on June 6, 2020.

Over the weekend, Illinoisans continued demonstrating against racism and police violence targeting African-Americans. One march in Chicago drew an estimated 20,000 people, while in Springfield U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) joined a rally at the Illinois State Capitol building.

But protests against police brutality have not been limited to Illinois bigger, more racially diverse cities. Some of the state’s small, rural communities have seen demonstrations, too, and that’s the main subject of our first conversation this morning.


Analisa Trofimuk, a reporter from the Herald & Review newspaper in Decatur

Steph Whiteside, a reporter from WSIU radio in Carbondale
