The 21st Show

Thanksgiving for One


Stacy Spensley

As coronavirus cases continue to soar in the U.S. and break records for new infections in a single day, it’s safer to ditch the airplane rides and long road trips to visit family for Thanksgiving this year. Being apart from family and friends for one of America’s most family-centered holidays is new for many Americans, and for some, that means having to downsize Thanksgiving for the first time in years or having to cook Thanksgiving dinner for the first time.

The 21st was joined by a food and dining reporter at the Chicago Tribune and has years of experience making smaller Thanksgiving dinners on a single sheet pan to talk more about how to prepare a Thanksgiving meal for one or a few. 


Louisa Chu, food and dining reporter at Chicago Tribune and co-host of the Chewing podcast

We sent our Text The 21st group: “This year’s Thanksgiving is what no one would have imagined or wanted. But despite the circumstances, what are you thankful for this year?” We heard some voicemails throughout the show. Here are other responses from our listeners:

Katie in Springfield: I’m thankful for this time at home with my immediate family. I’m thankful that my extended family is healthy. I’m thankful that my kids are happy and kind. I’m thankful I married my husband and that I made that really great choice 10 years ago.

Christine in Jacksonville: I have so many THANKFULS for this year. I was working remotely before February and so far my job is secure. My kids are 14 and older so they are independent enough to handle remote learning while I continue to work. I feel for everyone struggling with job security and juggling schooling for their younger children. While several in my household wait on testing and/or are quarantined for possible exposures this week, I am looking forward to a quiet Thanksgiving with no pressure to gather in large groups- let’s get this pandemic under control so we can look forward to better days!

Prepared for web by Zainab Qureshi

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