The 21st in the Quad Cities: Rep. Eric Sorensen discusses getting back to work now that there’s a new House Speaker

Rep. Eric Sorensen (D-IL17) talks wIith Brian Mackey, host of The 21st Reginald Hardwick/IPM News
On October 30, 2023, The 21st brought you a show focused on The Quad Cities where our program airs on WVIK-FM. Our lead interview was with Rep. Eric Sorensen (D) of Illinois 17th congressional district. He is a native of Rockford and former TV meteorologist. He is the first openly-gay congressman from Illinois. On Saturday, October 28, Sorensen taped an in-person interview with host Brian Mackey near the Mercado on 5th in Moline. Sorensen discussed whether the House of Representatives can quickly go back to work after the election of a conversative, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana).
Rep. Eric Sorensen