The 21st Show

The latest in the fight to preserve Shawnee National Forest

Shawnee National Forest

Photo courtesy of US Forest Service

The Shawnee National Forest covers a broad swath of southern Illinois. It's long been the site of clashes between environmentalists and those who see it as a valuable source of lumber and other natural resources.

The latest chapter in that fight has a group pushing to make it into a national park and climate preserve. Some individuals advocating for that change join the 21st today to share their perspective on the issue.


Karen Frailey 
Shawnee Park and Climate Alliance 
Co-Founder, Shawnee Forest Defense 

John Wallace 
Shawnee Park and Climate Alliance 

Co-Founder, Shawnee Forest Defense
Environmental Educator and Activist

Les Winkeler 
President of Shawnee Park and Climate Alliance 
Retired Editor, Outdoor Columnist at The Southern Illinoisan

