The 21st Show

This Entire Workplace Could Have Been an Email

So many office, so unnecessary.

So many office, so unnecessary. Kiichiro Sato/AP

You may have heard the phrase "this meeting could have been an email," referring to the frustration we feel when an in-person work meeting could have been replaced with a simpler, shorter message.

Those who are lucky enough to still be working during the pandemic — and who can work from the safety of their homes — are realizing that a lot of things we did around the office for our jobs can be done remotely. But will our employers allow people to continue teleworking when stay-at-home restrictions begin to ease?


  • Heidi Baumann, professor of management and leadership at Bradley University in Peoria
  • Pettis Kent, assistant professor at the Quinlan School of Business at Loyala University in Chicago