Turning 102: Looking Back at Ray Bradbury’s Legacy

Acclaimed author. Space age visionary. Free speech proponent. Public library defender. Literacy advocate.
These were just some of the multitudes that made up Ray Bradbury, who wrote classics like Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles, The Illustrated Man, and Dandelion Wine. On what would have been his 102nd birthday, The 21st discussed how Ray Bradbury and his legacy have shaped contemporary literature, space exploration, and his hometown of Waukegan, Ill., and how Waukegan shaped him.
Colleen Abel, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of English and Editor-in-Chief of Bluestem literary magazine at Eastern Illinois University
Jason Aukerman, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Ray Bradbury Studies
Clinical Assistant Professor of American Studies and English, IUPUI
Jonathan Eller, Ph.D.
Co-founder and former director, Center for Ray Bradbury Studies
Orton Ortwein
Research Librarian, Waukegan Public Library