UI Kingfishers Quiz Bowl Team

Spencer Husley
The University of Illinois Men’s Basketball Team came to an abrupt and surprising end of season — but there is another team you can root for that’s competing for a National Championship: The University of Illinois Kingfishers Quiz Bowl Team.
The 21st was joined by two members of the UI Kinfisher Quiz Bowl Team to talk more about quiz bowl, operating virtually this year and what the team's chances are at winning the National Championship.
Iain Carpenter, President of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Kingfishers quiz bowl team
Sarod Nori, Player on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Kingfishers quiz bowl team
Sample Questions:
1. Name this Holy Roman Emperor who supported Christianization efforts like those of Adalbert of Prague. He allied with Boleslaw I of Poland at the Congress of Gniezno to fight the pagan Lutici: Otto III
2. Marber recently wrote an adaptation of this 19th-century Russian play, in which Natalya Petrovna and her ward Vera both fall in love with the same man? A Month in the Country
3. The father of this novel's title character was a town mayor under the Consulate before being replaced by “a large landowner.” Its title character is confined to her room on a diet of bread and water after her father—who economizes “everything, even movement”—finds that she has given her collection of (*) gold coins to her bankrupt cousin and love interest, Charles. The town of Saumur is the setting of—for 10 points—what novel about the about the daughter of the greedy Felix, by Honoré de Balzac? Eugénie Grandet
Prepared for web by Zainab Qureshi
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