Uptick in accidents prompts conversation on cycling infrastructure in Illinois

A procession of local cyclists ride on Green Street in Champaign during a silent bike ride on May 18, 2022. The ride was part of a national movement to raise awareness for cyclists who have been killed while biking and promote biking safety. Photo courtesy of Cynthia Hoyle
PeopleForBikes Foundation estimated that in 2022, some 108 million Americans rode a bike outdoors at least once over the course of a year.
However, so much of our transportation infrastructure is still built for cars. In recent years, scores of Illinois cyclists have been killed after being hit by cars and while the state has passed laws to improve infrastructure for walking and biking, concerns around cyclist safety remain.
A transportation consultant joins the 21st today to discsuss the increasse in fatal accidents involving cyclists and the developements in cycling infrastructure withthin the past few years in Illinois.
Cynthia Hoyle
Transportation Consultant
Co-Chair, C-U Safe Routes to School Project
On Board of Directors for Ride Illinois