What Does The Supreme Court Decision On LGBTQ Workers Rights Mean?
Charlie Nguyen
In a landmark decision, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that gay men, lesbian women, bisexual individuals and transgender people – individuals whose sex assigned at birth does not match their current innate sense of being male, female, both or neither – cannot be discriminated against in the workplace simply because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Here in Illinois, LGBTQ workers were already protected under 2006 amendments to the state’s Human Rights Act. But now the Supreme Court ruling will allow workers to file claims with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and pursue their cases in federal court.
To further explain the ruling and what comes along with it, The 21st is joined by a representative of Lambda Legal, a non-profit which focuses on LGBTQ litigation.
Camilla Taylor, Director of Constitutional Litigation at Lambda Legal
Prepared for web by Zainab Qureshi