The 21st Show

Why does the Senate fail to consider gun laws?


AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

While the majority of Americans don’t believe gun control alone would solve the problems associated with gun violence, 81% of Americans support background checks, 63% support an assault weapons ban, and a majority also oppose concealed carry of weapons without a permit. Even most gun-owning Republicans say they support these things — and yet, no amount of votes, phone calls to senators, protests, or lives taken have led to meaningful policy changes. Our guest today explains why and what would change that.


Julie Webber

Professor of politics and government at Illinois State University | author of Beyond Columbine: School Violence and the Virtual


We asked listeners what they thought the solution to gun violence was — here was one of the responses we got:

-- Perhaps we need to confront the reality that Americans are a violent people unable to confront and resolve discontent peacefully respectfully. The founders realized this and tried admirably to reign in this violence with a guarantee of rights. But their noble attempt has been overshadowed by greed and fear hiding behind a thin veil of personal freedom. America you first need to own who you are in order to change what is destroying you. Stephen in Urbana.